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Formats of communication agreed-upon and used by hardware and software systems to exchange messages and transmit information: rules of semantics, syntax, synchronizing, and error recovery.
64 items


Library that enables bidirectional, low-latency communication between web clients and servers, mainly over WebSockets.

Socket.IO vs. WebSocket: Key differences and which to use
We compare Socket.IO with WebSocket. Discover how they are different, their pros & cons, and their use cases.
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Socket.IO: How it works, when to use it, and how to get started
Socket.IO's main use cases, how to get started, ideal use cases, scope for support, where it fits in the realtime landscape.
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SignalR vs. Socket.IO: which should you choose in 2024?
Discover the advantages & disadvantages of SignalR and Socket.IO, learn about their use cases, similarities, and differences, and compare their features.
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Socket.IO vs SockJS
Compare realtime libraries Socket.IO and SockJS on performance, scalability, developer experience, and features.
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Firebase vs Socket.IO: Key differences and which to use
Firebase and Socket.IO are often used to build realtime apps like live chat and multiplayer collaboration. Compare their features, strengths, and limitations.
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Scaling Socket.IO - practical considerations
A review of Socket.IO’s advantages, limitations & performance. Learn about the challenges of using Socket.IO to deliver realtime apps at scale.
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PubNub vs. Socket.IO
PubNub and Socket.IO allow developers to power realtime messaging in web apps for use cases like live chat, multiplayer collaboration, and data broadcast.
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Pusher vs. Socket.IO: which one is best for you?
Pusher and Socket.IO are event-driven solutions developers can use for realtime use cases like live chat, multiplayer collaboration, and broadcasting updates.
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Comparing Socket.IO and HTTP: Key differences and use cases
Insight into the pros and cons of Socket.IO and HTTP, and when best to use them.
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Communications protocol complementary to HTTP, allowing bidirectional message streaming over a single TCP connection.

Socket.IO vs. WebSocket: Key differences and which to use
We compare Socket.IO with WebSocket. Discover how they are different, their pros & cons, and their use cases.
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WebSockets vs HTTP: Which to choose for your project in 2024
Pros and cons of HTTP and WebSocket protocols, and when best to use them.
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The history of WebSockets
Learn how WebSocket came to be, and how it's an improvement on earlier HTTP-based techniques for delivering realtime apps.
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MQTT vs. WebSocket - Key differences and when to use them together
Discover the different features, performance characteristics and use cases for MQTT and WebSocket, and how they can be used together.
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WebSocket vs REST
Discover the different features, performance characteristics, and use cases for WebSocket - a stateful protocol, and REST - a stateless architectural style.
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Ably vs WebSockets: Choosing the right realtime technology for your app
This page compares Ably with WebSockets, the lower-level protocol that Ably is based on.
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WebSocket alternatives
Discover 5 alternatives to WebSocket: SSE, long polling, MQTT, WebRTC, and WebTransport.
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SockJS vs WebSocket
Discover the key differences between SockJS and WebSocket, how they stack up, and which you should use for your project.
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Pusher vs WebSockets: Pros, cons and key differences
Discover how Pusher and WebSockets compare, including their pros and cons, use cases, key differences, and the available alternatives.
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WebRTC vs. WebSocket: Key differences and which to use
We compare WebRTC with WebSocket. Discover how they are different, their pros & cons, and their use cases.
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What are WebSockets used for?
Learn the answers to questions like: What kind of use cases are WebSockets best suited for? Which companies use WebSockets in production?
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The challenge of scaling WebSockets [with video]
Scaling WebSockets for a production system can be challenging in terms of load balancing, fallback strategy, and connection management. Here's how to tackle it.
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WebSocket API and protocol explained: How they work, are used and more
We cover the WebSocket protocol and API, how WebSockets work, WebSocket use cases, pros and cons, WebSocket alternatives, WebSocket scalability, and more.
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Developing a dependable client-side WebSocket solution for Unity
Learn about the many challenges of implementing a dependable client-side WebSocket solution for Unity.
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Building realtime apps with Node.js and WebSockets: client-side considerations
Learn about the many challenges of implementing a dependable client-side WebSocket solution for Node.js.
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WebSockets and Android apps - client-side considerations
Learn about the many challenges of implementing a dependable client-side WebSocket solution for Android.
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Objective-C and WebSockets: client-side challenges and how to navigate them
Learn about the many challenges of implementing a dependable client-side WebSocket solution for Objective-C.
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WebSockets and Swift: client-side engineering challenges
Learn about the many challenges of implementing a dependable client-side WebSocket solution for Swift.
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WebSockets and macOS clients: Hard engineering challenges
Learn about the many challenges of implementing a dependable client-side WebSocket solution for macOS.
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WebSockets and iOS: Client-side engineering challenges
Learn about the many challenges of implementing a dependable client-side WebSocket solution for iOS.
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WebSocket security: How to prevent 9 common vulnerabilities
Discover the most common WebSocket security vulnerabilities and how to prevent them through a combination of modern security approaches and testing tools.
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SignalR vs. WebSocket: Key differences and which to use
We compare SignalR and WebSocket, two popular realtime technologies. Discover their advantages and disadvantages, use cases, and key differences.
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What you need to know about WebSockets and Pub/Sub
WebSockets and pub/sub are often mentioned in the same sentence so they must be related in some way. But what is their relationship, exactly?
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PubNub vs. WebSocket: Pros, cons, and key differences
Discover how PubNub and WebSockets compare, including their pros and cons, use cases, key differences, and the available alternatives.
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TypeScript and WebSockets: client-side engineering challenges
Learn about the many challenges of implementing a dependable client-side WebSocket solution for TypeScript.
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Building realtime apps with Flutter and WebSockets: client-side considerations
Learn about the many challenges of implementing a dependable client-side WebSocket solution for Flutter apps.
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Pros and cons of WebSockets
Discover the advantages and benefits WebSocket brings to the table, as well as its disadvantages and limitations.
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How to stream Kafka messages to Internet-facing clients over WebSockets
This article explores how to stream Kafka messages to Internet-facing clients, over WebSockets, via a message broker.
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XMPP vs WebSocket: Which is best for chat apps?
Discover the different features and the pros and cons of both the XMPP and WebSocket protocols - and which is best for chat apps - in our comparison guide.
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Java and WebSockets: Building dependable realtime apps
Learn about the many challenges of implementing a dependable client-side WebSocket solution for Java.
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gRPC vs. WebSocket: Key differences and which to use
Discover the different features, performance characteristics, and use cases for gRPC and WebSockets to help understand which technology suits your needs best.
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Scaling WebSockets for virtual events
Learn about the challenges of building dependable virtual event platforms & apps with WebSockets that scale to support millions of concurrent users.
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Building realtime apps with PHP and WebSockets
Learn about the many challenges of implementing a dependable client-side WebSocket solution in PHP.
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Building dependable realtime apps with WebSockets and .NET
Learn about the many challenges of implementing a dependable client-side WebSocket solution for .NET.
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Building realtime apps with Ruby and WebSockets
Learn about the many challenges of implementing a dependable client-side WebSocket solution in Ruby.
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Building dependable realtime apps with Python and WebSockets
Learn about the many challenges of implementing a dependable client-side WebSocket solution in Python.
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Scaling realtime apps with Golang and WebSockets
Learn about the many challenges of implementing a dependable client-side WebSocket solution for Golang apps.
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Realtime apps with React Native and WebSockets: client-side challenges
Learn about the many challenges of implementing a dependable client-side WebSocket solution for React Native.
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Scaling realtime web apps with JavaScript and WebSockets
Learn about the many challenges of implementing a dependable client-side WebSocket solution for JavaScript.
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Building apps with Xamarin and WebSockets: engineering challenges
Learn about the many challenges of implementing a dependable client-side WebSocket solution for Xamarin.
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WebSockets and Mono: client-side engineering complexities
Learn about the many challenges of implementing a dependable client-side WebSocket solution for Mono.
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WebSockets and tvOS apps: client-side engineering aspects you need to consider
Learn about the many challenges of implementing a dependable client-side WebSocket solution for tvOS.
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WebSockets and Cocoa: client-side engineering challenges
Learn about the many challenges of implementing a dependable client-side WebSocket solution for Cocoa.
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Using WebSockets for iPadOS apps: hard engineering challenges
Learn about the many challenges of implementing a dependable client-side WebSocket solution for iPadOS.
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