Pricing overview

Ably’s pricing is consumption-based. This means that you pay for what you use.

For full details of Ably’s pricing model, refer to the pricing page.

Ably primarily charges based on three units of consumption:


(per million)

The unit of data transfer throughout Ably.

For example, if a user sends (publishes) a message and 10 users receive it (subscribed) that counts as 11 messages. Other operations also count towards the total message count, such as retrieving messages from history, or sending them through an integration.

Active channels[*]

(per million minutes)

Channels are used to logically separate message traffic into different topics, such as account-debits and account-credits.

For example, if you have three chat rooms open with users communicating in all of them for 2 hours then that would be 6 hours of channel time. The number of users attached to each channel does not influence the channel minutes.


(per million minutes)

A connection is established between your clients and Ably for realtime communication.

For example, if you have 5 users that are all connected to Ably for exactly 10 minutes each, this counts as 50 minutes worth of connection time. If you have 50,000 users that are connected to Ably for 3 hours each, then this counts as 9,000,000 minutes.

[*] Channels are created on demand when clients attach to them. They remain active until there are no more realtime clients attached, approximately one minute has passed since the last client detached, and approximately one minute has passed since the last message was published to the channel.

The following table explains the limits related to the three primary units of consumption:

Limit Free Standard Pro Enterprise
Message rate (per second)

the maximum rate at which messages can be published and received across your account each second

500 2,500 10,000 Unlimited
Messages (per month)

the maximum number of messages that can be sent and received across your account each month

6,000,000 Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
Concurrent channels

the maximum number of channels that are active simultaneously at any point

200 10,000 50,000 Unlimited
Concurrent connections

the maximum number of realtime clients connected to Ably simultaneously at any point

200 10,000 50,000 Unlimited

There is also a charge on additional bandwidth consumed.

This is worked out based on the average message size of 5KiB multiplied by the number of messages consumed in the month. If your total bandwidth for the month is less than this value then there is no charge for bandwidth. Anything over this value is charged at $0.25 per GiB.

Ably offers four different package types so that you can choose the one that best suits your needs:

  • Free: for experimenting with Ably, or building a proof of concept. No credit card required.
  • Standard: for when you’re ready to roll out into production.
  • Pro: higher limits than the standard package to accommodate a growing business.
  • Enterprise: create a custom package to meet all of your business needs.

Each package has a default base price. You are then charged for the amount of messages, and channel and connection time that you consume. The cost of each of these units decreases as you consume more.

Packages have a monthly base package price:

Free Standard Pro Enterprise
N/A $39 $399 Custom

Messages are charged per million messages consumed:

Number of messages Cost (per million)
First 50 million $2.50
Next 450 million $2.25
Next 4.5 billion $1.95
Next 15 billion $1.65
Next 30 billion $1.40
Over 50 billion $1.25

For example:

  • if you use 49 million messages in a month, this would cost $122.50 (49 × 2.50).
  • if you use 120 million messages in a month, this would cost $282.50 ((50 × 2.50) + (70 × 2.25))

Channels are charged for every million minutes of activity:

Channel time (minutes) Price (per million minutes)
First 10 million $1.00
Next 90 million $0.95
Next 900 million $0.85
Next 4 billion $0.75
Next 10 billion $0.65
Over 15 billion $0.60

For example:

  • if you use 8 million minutes of channel time, this would cost $8.00 (8 × 1.00).
  • if you use 140 million minutes of channel time, this would cost $129.50 ((10 × 1.00) + (90 × 0.95) + (40 × 0.85)).

Connections are charged for every million minutes of activity:

Connection time (minutes) Price (per million minutes)
First 10 million $1.00
Next 90 million $0.95
Next 900 million $0.85
Next 4 billion $0.75
Next 10 billion $0.65
Over 15 billion $0.60

For example:

  • if you use 7 million minutes of connection time, this would cost $8.00 (7 × 1.00).
  • if you use 130 million minutes of connection time, this would cost $121 ((10 × 1.00) + (90 × 0.95) + (30 × 0.85)).

There are limits on certain operations within Ably. This is to protect against deliberate or accidental abuse of your application, and to provide a level of protection on your consumption costs if abuse does occur.

Whilst hitting a limit should be an infrequent occurrence if you’re on the correct package, it’s important to be aware of the different types of limits that exist.

Find out more about limits.

It’s important to understand how, and when, you’re billed.

Invoices are issued in arrears on the first of each month. They include your base package price, plus your consumption of messages, and channel and connection minutes used in the previous month.

Find out more about billing.

Pricing units