
Ably can scale effortlessly as your business grows.

Limits exist in order to minimize the impact on service due to accidental or deliberate abuse of your applications. They also provide a level of protection to your consumption rates if abuse does occur. If you’re on the correct package for your applications and use case, then hitting a limit should be an infrequent occurrence.

Some limits are tied to a package type. For example, the length of time that you can store messages for is dictated by which package you are on, from 1 day on a Free package up to 1 year on an Enterprise package.

Other limits are more technical in nature. For example, the number of channels that a single realtime connection can be attached to, or the rate at which a single connection can publish messages.

Others still are precautions against high message consumption. For example, the number of clients that can be present on a single channel. This is because clients can change state very rapidly and the number of messages generated can be high. An example of this would be 200 clients subscribed to presence events on a channel and all of them join and leave the presence set within a few minutes. This would result in the following messages:

  • 200 presence messages published for the enter event.
  • 200 × 200 (40,000) messages subscribed to for the enter events.
  • 200 presence messages published for the leave event.
  • 200 × 200 (40,000) presence messages subscribed to for the leave event.

This highlights the potential for 80,400 messages to be sent in a very short space of time on a single channel. There are options for mitigating this such as utilizing server-side batching. Contact Ably to discuss increasing this limit if you think it’s necessary for your use case.

  1. Log in to your account.
  2. Select Limits from the Account menu.

To view any limits that you have previously hit, click view recent limits notifications.

If you exceed the limits of your package then it likely means that your app is performing well, and Ably won’t penalize your success by blocking usage for the majority of limits. Normal service will continue to function beyond the limit, up to a point, for certain limits. However, Ably will contact you to let you know that you need to upgrade your package to accommodate your increased usage.

Limits will come into force either because there isn’t any buffer on them, or because you have exceeded the buffer. Exceeding the limit depends on the limit:

Count-based limits
only a set amount of resources can be in use simultaneously. This means that any usage in excess of that limit will be restricted until existing resources are removed, such as the number of concurrent connections, or concurrent channels.
Rate-based limits
the rate at which resources can be used, expressed as their frequency per second. Usage in excess of a rate limit can be rejected locally, such as a publisher trying to publish at a rate in excess of the publish rate per channel. The publisher will have any publish attempts in excess of this rate rejected and have an error code returned. Other rate limits apply rate suppression across your account when exceeded. For example, if the limit for publishing messages into a queue is exceeded by twice the rate, then each message will have a 50% chance of being rejected. The suppression probability is continuously updated based on the publishing rate.

Email notifications are sent out when you are nearing a limit, as well as when you have exceeded it. You will also see these notifications in your account dashboard and can view any limits that you have previously exceeded.

Application limits relate to the quantity of resources that can be created per account.

Application limit Free Standard Pro Enterprise
Number of apps (per account)

the maximum number of applications that can be created per account

100 100 100 100
Number of API keys (per account)

the maximum number of API keys that can be created per account

100 100 100 100
Number of rules (per account)

the maximum number of channel rules that can be created per account

100 100 100 100
Number of namespaces (per account)

the maximum number of namespaces that can be created per account

100 100 100 100

Message limits relate to the number, rate and bandwidth of messages consumed across you account.

Message limit Free Standard Pro Enterprise
Message rate (per second)

the maximum rate at which messages can be published and received across your account each second

500 2,500 10,000 Unlimited
Messages (per month)

the maximum number of messages that can be sent and received across your account each month

6,000,000 Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
Message count (per hour)

the total number of messages that can be sent across an account per hour

250,000 5,208,000 20,833,000 Unlimited
Message bandwidth rate (per second, KiB)

the maximum rate at which data can be transferred through messages each second, in KiB

2,384 11,921 47,684 Unlimited
Message bandwidth (hourly, GiB)

the maximum amount of data that can be transferred through messages each hour, in GiB

1.2 24.8 99.3 Unlimited
Message bandwidth (monthly, GiB)

the maximum amount of data that can be transferred through messages each month, in GiB

28.6 1,192 4,768 Unlimited
Max message size (KiB)

the maximum size of a single published message

64 64 256 256
Default history TTL (hours)

the default time that a message or presence message can be retrieved from history

24 72 72 72
Max history / storage TTL (days)

the maximum time that a message or presence message can be retrieved from history

1 30 365 365

Channel limits relate to the number, rate and membership of channels on your account.

Channel limit Free Standard Pro Enterprise
Concurrent channels

the maximum number of channels that are active simultaneously at any point

200 10,000 50,000 Unlimited
Default last message on channel TTL (days)

the default period that the last message on a channel is stored for, when enabled

1 30 365 365
Channel creation rate (per second)

the maximum rate at which channels can be created across an account

42 250 500 Custom
Message publish rate per channel (per second)

the maximum rate at which messages can be published for each channel

50 50 50 50
Presence members per channel

the maximum number of clients that can be simultaneously present on a channel

200 200 200 200

Connection limits relate to the realtime connections made to Ably from your account.

Connection limit Free Standard Pro Enterprise
Concurrent connections

the maximum number of realtime clients connected to Ably simultaneously at any point

200 10,000 50,000 Unlimited
New connection rate (per second)

the maximum rate at which new realtime connections can be made to Ably across an account

42 250 500 Custom
Inbound message rate (per second)

the maximum rate at which messages can be published by a realtime connection

50 50 50 50
Outbound message rate (per second)

the maximum rate at which messages can be received by a realtime connection

50 50 50 50
Number of channels per connection

the maximum number of channels that each connection can be attached to

200 200 200 200
Connection state TTL

the maximum duration that Ably will preserve the state of a dropped connection for

2 mins 2 mins 2 mins 2 mins

Integration limits relate to the rate and concurrency of webhooks, queues and Firehose.

Integration limit Free Standard Pro Enterprise
Integration rate (per second)

the maximum rate at which integrations can be executed, or streamed

250 250 1,000 Custom
Integration concurrency (Google Functions and Azure)

the maximum number of integrations that can run at the same time

25 25 100 Custom
Webhook batch size

the maximum number of webhook events that can be sent per batch

50 100 100 100
Webhook batch concurrency

the maximum number of webhook batches that can be processed at the same time

1 1 1 1
Max number of queues (per account)

the maximum number of queues that can be created per account

5 10 50 100+
Max queue length

the maximum number of messages that can be stored in queues whilst waiting to be consumed. This value is shared between all queues in an account

50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000
Queue publish rate (per second)

the maximum rate at which messages can be published to a queue

250 250 1,000 Custom
Queue TTL (hours)

the maximum time that a message is stored in a queue for, before being transferred to the dead letter queue

24 24 24 24

API request limits are the maximum number of REST API requests, Control API requests and token requests that can be made to Ably.

API request limit Free Standard Pro Enterprise
HTTP API requests (per hour)

the maximum number of HTTP API requests that can be made to Ably per hour, excluding token requests

25,000 521,000 2,083,300 Custom
HTTP API request rate (per second)

the maximum rate at which HTTP API requests can be made to Ably

50 362 1,447 Custom
Token requests (per hour)

the maximum number of token requests that can be made to Ably per hour

60,000 360,000 720,000 Custom
Token request rate (per second)

the maximum rate at which token requests can be made

50 250 500 Custom
Control API: authenticated account requests (per hour)

the maximum number of requests that can be made to the Control API, per hour, from authenticated users

4000 4000 4000 4000
Control API: authenticated access token requests (per hour)

the maximum number of requests that can be made to the Control API, per hour, for each access token

2000 2000 2000 2000
Control API: unauthenticated requests (per hour)

the maximum number of requests that can be made to the Control API, per hour, from unauthenticated users

60 60 60 60
Limit types