Migrate from Pusher to Ably in hours
Ably is the only cloud vendor that supports the Pusher protocol. It’s simple to migrate to Ably, or use Ably as a failover for Pusher in hours instead of months.

Migrate to Ably by changing just a few lines of code
Ably is the only cloud vendor that supports the Pusher protocol. It’s simple to migrate to Ably, or use Ably as a failover for Pusher in hours instead of months.
Why companies are migrating from Pusher
Companies out-grow Pusher's service capabilities (features, integrations, performance).
Unprecedented times mean companies are increasingly ensuring they have no single vendor dependency and no single point of failure.
Retired its ChatKit product with just 30 days notice. Only months later Pusher announced it had been acquired. Many customers are concerned about continuity.

“Now we’ve migrated over from Pusher, we don’t have to worry about spikes in traffic anymore. Ably handles large loads without any troubles. But what keeps amazing us is the reliability and speed of the platform…”

Key advantages vs Pusher
Find out why Ably provides more serious and dependable realtime APIs than Pusher.
Information provided is from publicly available sources and is intended as a starting point for further investigation. See full disclaimer below table.
QoS, message delivery guarantee & connection state recovery
Ably provides guaranteed message delivery and continuity across disconnections. Publishers only receive an ACK when data is persisted in two locations, and subscribers never lose data during brief disconnections as we maintain connection state for each client on our servers.
If a message is published whilst a client is briefly disconnected (such as going through a tunnel or changing networks), then the message published over Pusher will never arrive to that client.
Reliable message ordering
Ably ensures that messages are delivered to persistently connected subscribers in the order they were published on each channel using the First-in-First-Out (FIFO) pattern.
Pusher does not support reliable message ordering.
Low latencies globally
Ably’s round trip latencies, measured as the time taken to publish a message on one connection and receive a message on another connection, dependably range from 30ms to 100ms globally.
Pusher’s average global latencies range between 90ms to 200ms. As Pusher apps exist in one only region, message latencies increase for clients the further they are from the chosen datacenter.
Global datacenters
Ably has 16 datacenters spread across four continents so your users are never far from the Ably network. We ensure complete availability by routing to the next-closest alternative datacenter when necessary.
One per app. Pusher requires you to choose a single datacenter for an app to reside in. All realtime traffic must therefore be routed through a single datacenter, regardless of a user’s location. This has implications for performance, reliability, and availability.
No single point of failure
Ably’s Data Stream Network is a distributed system designed with no single point of failure. All customers benefit from running their apps in all of our datacenters providing resilience, reliability, and global low latencies.
Pusher apps are located in a single datacenter rather than distributed across multiple datacenters. If that datacenter goes offline then all apps hosted there are affected.
Message history (persisted data)
Ably’s message history feature provides a means for clients or servers to retrieve messages that were previously published on a channel.
Pusher does not support message history.
The comparisons presented here are: (i) derived from public information and open sources available as of October 2019, and thus may be outdated; (ii) intended as a starting point for further investigation; and (iii) not guaranteed to be 100% accurate or complete. The reader is encouraged to conduct an independent evaluation and to not rely solely on the information presented here. Please contact us if you believe the information here is inaccurate or incomplete.
How companies migrate from Pusher
Because we support the Pusher protocol, migration starts seamlessly by connecting your existing clients to the Ably network practically zero changes to your code.
You can switch over in a single day or migrate progressively. The fastest we've seen someone migrate is just a few hours.
Typically the first step is to configure existing Pusher clients to use Ably endpoints and protocol adapters. Ably does all the background work of ensuring protocol interoperability.
Once migration to Ably is complete, the second step is to replace legacy Pusher client libraries with Ably client libraries to take advantage of the wider Ably feature set and guarantees only available with the Ably protocol.
Many companies use both Ably and Pusher for redundancy, and immediately benefit from Ably's global network, remove single vendor lock-in, and remove Pusher as a single point of failure.
This approach solves any service availability issues that might arise with Pusher or Ably, as companies can easily redirect traffic to either provider, thanks to Ably's native Pusher protocol interoperability.
Configurations include Multi-master where message traffic is split or duplicated across both services and Primary/Secondary where message traffic fails over the secondary when the primary is unavailable

Ably takes care of all our realtime needs. It gives our customers the immediacy and user experience they need to track and manage entire fleets of assets from a single dashboard, but is practically invisible - it just works in the background.

We spoke to engineers at LinkedIn, Slack, and Box who'd already built realtime infrastructure themselves. They told us it would take non-trivial upfront engineering with significant operating costs. Building on Ably was the only logical choice: we bypassed a hefty DevOps debt and rapidly shipped our new feature flag streaming capabilities while keeping our architecture simple and reliable.

Ably is awesome. It was a life-saver for me. Not only was it the only HIPAA-compliant realtime solution capable of integrating with Kafka streams and giving us the performance guarantees we need, but the set-up was just incredibly straightforward. It instantly transformed the value of the dashboard for our customers.