Create interactive experiences that students expect and teachers can rely on
Engage students with digital classrooms and interactive learning experiences in a world where education is rapidly shifting to digital-first.
Live browser-based code challenges designed to develop mastery of coding skills.

Provides interactive learning experiences for 30m students around the world.
A realtime device management platform for schools with over 7m devices managed.
Keep students engaged, help teachers deliver effective learning programs, and empower schools with safe digital spaces
Chat. 1:1 and group chat where students and teachers can see who’s online.
Multi-user spaces. Build virtual classrooms with interactive whiteboards and webcasts.
Gamification. Create team-based or solo quizzes and games with realtime results and leaderboards.
Device management. Manage and filter devices and online content to keep students focused and secure.

Ably is a fully-featured platform, and it makes handling realtime a piece of cake. Harnessing Ably technology has freed up considerable time for our engineers to concentrate on streamlining and developing the product. When it comes to scaling the infrastructure we feel in safe hands.

The complete realtime data synchronization stack for any EdTech requirement
Publish messages to millions of subscribers over channels that support multiplexing.
Know when devices or users are online by subscribing to presence events.
Retrieve previously published messages and historical presence events.
On disconnect we keep connection state and attempt reconnection every 15 seconds for two minutes.
Ably guarantees all messages are delivered in the same order as originally published.
Authenticate clients directly using API keys or use secure Ably or JWT tokens for users.
Ably supports pub/sub over WebSockets, MQTT, and Server-Sent Events (SSE).
Trigger business logic (e.g. AWS Lambda) or process data elsewhere (e.g. RabbitMQ).
Deliver cross-platform push notifications with our iOS and Android SDKs.
Create dependable realtime experiences at scale
Ably was built from the ground-up to be the trusted infrastructure that supports complex, business-critical, realtime experiences in fast-growing scenarios. Our mathematically modelled approach to system design ensures critical functionality at scale and provides unmatched quality of service guarantees, enabling you to create dependable digital experiences that will delight your end-users.
Ably’s Four Pillars of Dependability
We focus on predictability of latencies, and we guarantee <65 ms round trip latency for 99th percentile. We also provide unlimited channel throughput.
Message ordering, guaranteed delivery, and exactly-once semantics are built-in, from the moment a message is published to Ably, all the way to its delivery to consumers.
Fault tolerance at regional and global levels to guarantee continuity of service even in the case of multiple infrastructure failures. 99.999999% message survivability.
Ably is meticulously designed for high availability and extreme scale. We ensure 50% capacity margin for instant surges, and provide a 99.999% uptime SLA.

Ably set a new gold standard for the type of service we expect from third parties...