What is Centrifugo?
Centrifugo is an open source, language-agnostic, self-hosted pub/sub server capable of scalable realtime messaging. It uses transports like WebSockets to deliver messages to active users.
0 alternatives to Centrifugo to consider
We’ll now look at alternatives to Centrifugo - competing technologies that allow you to build realtime experiences for end-users.
Disclaimer: The information on the alternatives presented here was based on documentation and resources freely available online and was last updated on 23 Jul 2024. Be sure to double-check everything before you make any decisions. If you do find anything incorrect or out of date, then please let us know.
Try Ably for free to discover the benefits for yourself
Ably has built reliable realtime infrastructure so you don’t have to. On our free plan you benefit from:
- 6M monthly messages
- 200 concurrent channels
- 200 concurrent connections