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ABLY_AGENT_HEADER - Static variable in class io.ably.lib.transport.Defaults
ABLY_AGENT_PARAM - Static variable in class io.ably.lib.transport.Defaults
ABLY_AGENT_VERSION - Static variable in class io.ably.lib.transport.Defaults
ABLY_CLIENT_ID_HEADER - Static variable in class io.ably.lib.transport.Defaults
ABLY_PROTOCOL_VERSION - Static variable in class io.ably.lib.transport.Defaults
The level of compatibility with the Ably service that this SDK supports.
ABLY_PROTOCOL_VERSION_HEADER - Static variable in class io.ably.lib.transport.Defaults
ABLY_PROTOCOL_VERSION_PARAM - Static variable in class io.ably.lib.transport.Defaults
AblyBase - Class in
A client that offers a simple stateless API to interact directly with Ably's REST API.
AblyBase(ClientOptions, PlatformAgentProvider) - Constructor for class
Construct a client object using an Ably ClientOptions object.
AblyBase(String, PlatformAgentProvider) - Constructor for class
Constructs a client object using an Ably API key or token string.
AblyBase.Channels - Interface in
A collection of Channels associated with an Ably instance.
AblyException - Exception in io.ably.lib.types
An exception type encapsulating an Ably error code
AblyException(Throwable, ErrorInfo) - Constructor for exception io.ably.lib.types.AblyException
Constructor for use where there is an ErrorInfo available
AblyException.HostFailedException - Exception in io.ably.lib.types
ablyHttpExecute(Http, String, String, Param[], Param[], HttpCore.RequestBody, HttpCore.ResponseHandler<T>, boolean) - Static method in class io.ably.lib.http.HttpHelpers
Make a synchronous HTTP request to an Ably endpoint, using the Ably auth credentials and fallback hosts if necessary
ablyHttpExecuteWithFallback(String, String, Param[], Param[], HttpCore.RequestBody, HttpCore.ResponseHandler<T>, boolean, Callback<T>) - Method in class io.ably.lib.http.HttpScheduler
Make an asynchronous HTTP request to an Ably endpoint, using the Ably auth credentials and fallback hosts if necessary
ablyHttpExecuteWithRetry(String, String, String, Param[], Param[], HttpCore.RequestBody, HttpCore.ResponseHandler<T>, boolean, Callback<T>) - Method in class io.ably.lib.http.HttpScheduler
Make an asynchronous HTTP request to an Ably endpoint, using the Ably auth credentials and reauthentication if necessary
AblyRealtime - Class in io.ably.lib.realtime
A client that extends the functionality of the AblyRest and provides additional realtime-specific features.
AblyRealtime(ClientOptions) - Constructor for class io.ably.lib.realtime.AblyRealtime
Constructs a RealtimeClient object using an Ably ClientOptions object.
AblyRealtime(String) - Constructor for class io.ably.lib.realtime.AblyRealtime
Constructs a Realtime client object using an Ably API key or token string.
AblyRealtime.Channels - Interface in io.ably.lib.realtime
A collection of Channels associated with this Ably Realtime instance.
AblyRest - Class in
A client that offers a simple stateless API to interact directly with Ably's REST API.
AblyRest(ClientOptions) - Constructor for class
Construct a client object using an Ably ClientOptions object.
AblyRest(String) - Constructor for class
Constructs a client object using an Ably API key or token string.
absent - Enum constant in enum class io.ably.lib.types.PresenceMessage.Action
A member is not present in the channel.
ACCEPT - Static variable in class io.ably.lib.http.HttpConstants.Headers
accessToken - Variable in class io.ably.lib.types.ProtocolMessage.AuthDetails
The authentication token string.
ack - Enum constant in enum class io.ably.lib.types.ProtocolMessage.Action
ackRequired(ProtocolMessage) - Static method in class io.ably.lib.types.ProtocolMessage
action - Variable in class io.ably.lib.types.Message
(TM2j) action enum
action - Variable in class io.ably.lib.types.PresenceMessage
The type of PresenceMessage.Action the PresenceMessage is for.
action - Variable in class io.ably.lib.types.ProtocolMessage
ActionSerializer() - Constructor for class io.ably.lib.types.PresenceMessage.ActionSerializer
ActionSerializer() - Constructor for class io.ably.lib.types.ProtocolMessage.ActionSerializer
ACTIVE - Enum constant in enum class
add(String, Object) - Method in class io.ably.lib.util.JsonUtils.JsonUtilsObject
add(T) - Method in class io.ably.lib.util.Multicaster
addListener(NetworkConnectivity.NetworkConnectivityListener) - Method in class io.ably.lib.transport.NetworkConnectivity
addOperation(String, String) - Method in class io.ably.lib.types.Capability
Add an operation to an existing Capability instance for a given resource.
addRequestIds - Variable in class io.ably.lib.types.ClientOptions
When true, every REST request to Ably should include a random string in the request_id query string parameter.
addResource(String, String...) - Method in class io.ably.lib.types.Capability
Add a resource to an existing Capability instance with the given set of operations.
admin - Variable in class io.ably.lib.push.PushBase
A PushBase.Admin object.
AGENT_DIVIDER - Static variable in class io.ably.lib.util.AgentHeaderCreator
Separates agent name from agent version.
AgentHeaderCreator - Class in io.ably.lib.util
AgentHeaderCreator() - Constructor for class io.ably.lib.util.AgentHeaderCreator
agents - Variable in class io.ably.lib.types.ClientOptions
A set of additional entries for the Ably agent header.
all - Variable in class io.ably.lib.types.Stats
A Stats.MessageTypes object containing the aggregate count of all message stats.
all - Variable in class io.ably.lib.types.Stats.ConnectionTypes
A Stats.ResourceCount object containing a breakdown of usage by scope over TLS connections (both TLS and non-TLS).
all - Variable in class io.ably.lib.types.Stats.MessageTraffic
A Stats.MessageTypes object containing a breakdown of usage by message type for all messages (includes realtime, rest and webhook messages).
all - Variable in class io.ably.lib.types.Stats.MessageTypes
A Stats.MessageCount object containing the count and byte value of messages and presence messages.
apiRequests - Variable in class io.ably.lib.types.Stats
A Stats.RequestCount object containing a breakdown of API Requests.
apply(Event, Object...) - Method in class io.ably.lib.util.EventEmitter.Filter
apply(ChannelStateListener, ChannelEvent, Object...) - Method in class io.ably.lib.realtime.ChannelBase
apply(ConnectionStateListener, ConnectionEvent, Object...) - Method in class io.ably.lib.realtime.Connection
apply(Listener, Event, Object...) - Method in class io.ably.lib.util.EventEmitter
array(Param) - Static method in class io.ably.lib.types.Param
asJson() - Method in class
Convert a TokenDetails into a JSON string.
asJson() - Method in class
Convert a TokenParams into a JSON string.
asJsonElement() - Method in class
Convert a TokenDetails into a JSON object.
asJsonElement() - Method in class
Convert a TokenParams into a JSON object.
asJsonObject() - Method in class io.ably.lib.types.MessageExtras
asJsonRequest(Message) - Static method in class io.ably.lib.types.MessageSerializer
JSON encode
asJsonRequest(Message[]) - Static method in class io.ably.lib.types.MessageSerializer
asJsonRequest(PresenceMessage) - Static method in class io.ably.lib.types.PresenceSerializer
JSON encode
asJsonRequest(PresenceMessage[]) - Static method in class io.ably.lib.types.PresenceSerializer
asJSONRequest(Message.Batch[]) - Static method in class io.ably.lib.types.MessageSerializer
asMap() - Method in class
Internal; convert a TokenParams to a collection of Params
asMsgpackRequest(Message) - Static method in class io.ably.lib.types.MessageSerializer
Msgpack encode
asMsgpackRequest(Message[]) - Static method in class io.ably.lib.types.MessageSerializer
asMsgpackRequest(Message.Batch[]) - Static method in class io.ably.lib.types.MessageSerializer
assertAuthorizationHeader(boolean) - Method in class
Get the Authorization header, forcing the creation of a new token if requested
assertValidToken() - Method in class
async(Callback<AsyncPaginatedResult<T>>) - Method in class io.ably.lib.http.BasePaginatedQuery.ResultRequest
async(Callback<AsyncPaginatedResult<T>>) - Method in class io.ably.lib.http.BasePaginatedQuery.ResultRequest.Failed
async(Callback<Result>) - Method in class io.ably.lib.http.Http.Request
AsyncHttpPaginatedQuery - Class in io.ably.lib.http
AsyncHttpPaginatedQuery(Http, String, String, Param[], Param[], HttpCore.RequestBody) - Constructor for class io.ably.lib.http.AsyncHttpPaginatedQuery
AsyncHttpPaginatedQuery.AsyncHttpPaginatedResult - Class in io.ably.lib.http
A private class encapsulating the result of a single page response
AsyncHttpPaginatedResponse - Class in io.ably.lib.types
AsyncHttpPaginatedResponse() - Constructor for class io.ably.lib.types.AsyncHttpPaginatedResponse
AsyncHttpPaginatedResponse.Callback - Interface in io.ably.lib.types
An interface allowing a client to be notified of the outcome of an asynchronous operation.
AsyncHttpScheduler - Class in io.ably.lib.http
A HttpScheduler that uses a thread pool to run HTTP operations.
AsyncHttpScheduler(HttpCore, ClientOptions) - Constructor for class io.ably.lib.http.AsyncHttpScheduler
asyncHttpThreadpoolSize - Variable in class io.ably.lib.types.ClientOptions
Allows the caller to specify a non-default size for the asyncHttp threadpool
AsyncPaginatedQuery<T> - Class in io.ably.lib.http
An object that encapsulates parameters of a REST query with a paginated response
AsyncPaginatedQuery(Http, String, Param[], Param[], HttpCore.BodyHandler<T>) - Constructor for class io.ably.lib.http.AsyncPaginatedQuery
Construct a PaginatedQuery
AsyncPaginatedQuery(Http, String, Param[], Param[], HttpCore.RequestBody, HttpCore.BodyHandler<T>) - Constructor for class io.ably.lib.http.AsyncPaginatedQuery
Construct a PaginatedQuery
AsyncPaginatedResult<T> - Interface in io.ably.lib.types
A type that represents a page of results from a paginated query.
attach - Enum constant in enum class io.ably.lib.types.ProtocolMessage.Action
attach() - Method in class io.ably.lib.realtime.ChannelBase
Attach to this channel ensuring the channel is created in the Ably system and all messages published on the channel are received by any channel listeners registered using ChannelBase.subscribe(io.ably.lib.realtime.ChannelBase.MessageListener).
attach(CompletionListener) - Method in class io.ably.lib.realtime.ChannelBase
Attach to this channel ensuring the channel is created in the Ably system and all messages published on the channel are received by any channel listeners registered using ChannelBase.subscribe(io.ably.lib.realtime.ChannelBase.MessageListener).
attach_resume - Enum constant in enum class io.ably.lib.types.ProtocolMessage.Flag
attached - Enum constant in enum class io.ably.lib.realtime.ChannelEvent
attached - Enum constant in enum class io.ably.lib.realtime.ChannelState
The attach has succeeded.
attached - Enum constant in enum class io.ably.lib.types.ProtocolMessage.Action
attaching - Enum constant in enum class io.ably.lib.realtime.ChannelEvent
attaching - Enum constant in enum class io.ably.lib.realtime.ChannelState
An attach has been initiated by sending a request to Ably.
attachOnSubscribe - Variable in class io.ably.lib.types.ChannelOptions
Determines whether calling Channel.subscribe or Presence.subscribe method should trigger an implicit attach.
attachOnSubscribeEnabled() - Method in class io.ably.lib.realtime.ChannelBase
attachSerial - Variable in class io.ably.lib.types.ChannelProperties
Starts unset when a channel is instantiated, then updated with the channelSerial from each ChannelState.attached event that matches the channel.
auth - Enum constant in enum class io.ably.lib.types.ProtocolMessage.Action
auth - Variable in class
An Auth object.
auth - Variable in class io.ably.lib.types.ProtocolMessage
Auth - Class in
Token-generation and authentication operations for the Ably API.
Auth.AuthMethod - Enum Class in
Authentication methods
Auth.AuthOptions - Class in
Passes authentication-specific properties in authentication requests to Ably.
Auth.AuthUpdateResult - Interface in
An interface providing update result for onAuthUpdated
Auth.RenewAuthResult - Interface in
An interface providing completion callbackk for renewAuth
Auth.TokenCallback - Interface in
An interface implemented by a callback that provides either tokens, or signed token requests, in response to a request with given token params.
Auth.TokenDetails - Class in
Contains an Ably Token and its associated metadata.
Auth.TokenParams - Class in
Defines the properties of an Ably Token.
Auth.TokenRequest - Class in
Contains the properties of a request for a token to Ably.
authCallback - Variable in class
Called when a new token is required.
authChallenge - Variable in exception io.ably.lib.http.HttpCore.AuthRequiredException
AuthDetails(String) - Constructor for class io.ably.lib.types.ProtocolMessage.AuthDetails
Creates AuthDetails object with provided authentication token string.
authHeaders - Variable in class
A set of key-value pair headers to be added to any request made to the authUrl.
authMethod - Variable in class
The HTTP verb to use for any request made to the authUrl, either GET or POST.
AuthOptions() - Constructor for class
Default constructor
AuthOptions(String) - Constructor for class
Convenience constructor, to create an AuthOptions based on the key string obtained from the application dashboard.
authorise(Auth.TokenParams, Auth.AuthOptions) - Method in class
AUTHORIZATION - Static variable in class io.ably.lib.http.HttpConstants.Headers
authorize(Auth.TokenParams, Auth.AuthOptions) - Method in class
Instructs the library to get a new token immediately.
authParams - Variable in class
A set of key-value pair params to be added to any request made to the authUrl.
AuthRequiredException(Throwable, ErrorInfo) - Constructor for exception io.ably.lib.http.HttpCore.AuthRequiredException
authUrl - Variable in class
A URL that the library may use to obtain a token string (in plain text format), or a signed Auth.TokenRequest or Auth.TokenDetails (in JSON format) from.
autoConnect - Variable in class io.ably.lib.types.ClientOptions
When true, the client connects to Ably as soon as it is instantiated.


Base64Coder - Class in io.ably.lib.util
A Base64 encoder/decoder.
BaseMessage - Class in io.ably.lib.types
BaseMessage() - Constructor for class io.ably.lib.types.BaseMessage
BasePaginatedQuery<T> - Class in io.ably.lib.http
A paginated query base implementation that can be used sync or asynchronously.
BasePaginatedQuery(Http, String, Param[], Param[], HttpCore.BodyHandler<T>) - Constructor for class io.ably.lib.http.BasePaginatedQuery
Construct a PaginatedQuery
BasePaginatedQuery(Http, String, Param[], Param[], HttpCore.RequestBody, HttpCore.BodyHandler<T>) - Constructor for class io.ably.lib.http.BasePaginatedQuery
Construct a PaginatedQuery
BasePaginatedQuery.ResultRequest<T> - Class in io.ably.lib.http
Wraps a Http.Request<BasePaginatedResult> to fixate on either a sync or an async interface.
BasePaginatedQuery.ResultRequest.Failed<T> - Class in io.ably.lib.http
A ResultRequest that has already failed due to a previous condition.
BasePaginatedResult<T> - Interface in io.ably.lib.types
A type that represents a page of results from a paginated query.
basic - Enum constant in enum class
BASIC - Enum constant in enum class io.ably.lib.http.HttpAuth.Type
Batch(String[], Message[]) - Constructor for class io.ably.lib.types.Message.Batch
Batch(String, Message[]) - Constructor for class io.ably.lib.types.Message.Batch
Batch(Collection<String>, Collection<Message>) - Constructor for class io.ably.lib.types.Message.Batch
body - Variable in class io.ably.lib.http.HttpCore.Response
BuildConfig - Class in io.ably.lib
ByteArrayRequestBody(byte[], String) - Constructor for class io.ably.lib.http.HttpUtils.ByteArrayRequestBody


c14n(String) - Static method in class io.ably.lib.types.Capability
Convenience method to canonicalise a JSON capability expression.
Callback<T> - Interface in io.ably.lib.types
An interface allowing a client to be notified of the outcome of an asynchronous operation.
Callback.Map<T,U> - Class in io.ably.lib.types
capability - Variable in class
The capabilities associated with this Ably Token.
capability - Variable in class
The capabilities associated with this Ably Token.
Capability - Class in io.ably.lib.types
A class representing an Ably Capability, providing convenience methods to simplify creation of token requests
Capability() - Constructor for class io.ably.lib.types.Capability
Construct a new empty Capability
category - Variable in class io.ably.lib.types.Stats.MessageCategory
channel - Variable in class io.ably.lib.push.PushBase.ChannelSubscription
The channel the push notification subscription is for.
channel - Variable in class io.ably.lib.types.ProtocolMessage
Channel - Class in io.ably.lib.realtime
Channel - Class in
Channel.MessageListener - Interface in io.ably.lib.realtime
ChannelBase - Class in io.ably.lib.realtime
Enables messages to be published and subscribed to.
ChannelBase - Class in
A class representing a Channel in the Ably REST API.
ChannelBase.MessageListener - Interface in io.ably.lib.realtime
An interface whereby a client maybe notified of message on a channel.
ChannelBase.Presence - Class in
Enables the retrieval of the current and historic presence set for a channel.
ChannelEvent - Enum Class in io.ably.lib.realtime
Describes the events emitted by a Channel object.
channelId - Variable in class io.ably.lib.types.PublishResponse
The channel name a message was successfully published to, or the channel name for which an error was returned.
ChannelMode - Enum Class in io.ably.lib.types
Describes the possible flags used to configure client capabilities, using ChannelOptions.
ChannelOptions - Class in io.ably.lib.types
Passes additional properties to a Channel or Channel object, such as encryption, ChannelMode and channel parameters.
ChannelOptions() - Constructor for class io.ably.lib.types.ChannelOptions
ChannelProperties - Class in io.ably.lib.types
Describes the properties of the channel state.
ChannelProperties() - Constructor for class io.ably.lib.types.ChannelProperties
channelRetryTimeout - Variable in class io.ably.lib.types.ClientOptions
When a channel becomes ChannelState.suspended following a server initiated ChannelState.detached, after this delay, if the channel is still ChannelState.suspended and the connection is ConnectionState.connected, the client library will attempt to re-attach the channel automatically.
channels - Variable in class io.ably.lib.realtime.AblyRealtime
channels - Variable in class
channels - Variable in class io.ably.lib.types.Message.Batch
An array of channel names to publish messages to.
channels - Variable in class io.ably.lib.types.Stats
A Stats.ResourceCount object containing a breakdown of channels.
channelSerial - Variable in class io.ably.lib.types.ChannelProperties
ChannelSerial contains the channelSerial from latest ProtocolMessage of action type Message/PresenceMessage received on the channel.
channelSerial - Variable in class io.ably.lib.types.ProtocolMessage
ChannelState - Enum Class in io.ably.lib.realtime
Describes the possible states of a Channel object.
ChannelStateListener - Interface in io.ably.lib.realtime
An interface whereby a client may be notified of state changes for a channel.
ChannelStateListener.ChannelStateChange - Class in io.ably.lib.realtime
Contains state change information emitted by Channel objects.
ChannelStateListener.Filter - Class in io.ably.lib.realtime
ChannelStateListener.Multicaster - Class in io.ably.lib.realtime
channelSubscriptions - Variable in class io.ably.lib.push.PushBase.Admin
checkCipherParams(Object) - Static method in class io.ably.lib.util.Crypto
Internal; if `cipherParams` is null returns default params otherwise check if params valid and returns them
checkClientId(BaseMessage, boolean, boolean) - Method in class
Verify that a message, possibly containing a clientId, is compatible with Auth.clientId if it is set
checkConnectivity() - Method in class io.ably.lib.transport.ConnectionManager
Determine whether or not the client has connection to the network without reference to a specific ably host.
cipherParams - Variable in class io.ably.lib.types.ChannelOptions
Requests encryption for this channel when not null, and specifies encryption-related parameters (such as algorithm, chaining mode, key length and key).
clean - Enum constant in enum class io.ably.lib.transport.ITransport.Mode
clear() - Method in class io.ably.lib.util.Multicaster
clear(String[]) - Method in interface io.ably.lib.push.Storage
Removes keys from storage
clearAuthOptions() - Method in class io.ably.lib.types.ClientOptions
Internal method
clearCachedServerTime() - Method in class
For testing purposes we need method to clear cached timeDelta
clientId - Variable in class io.ably.lib.push.PushBase.ChannelSubscription
The ID of the client the device, or devices are associated to.
clientId - Variable in class
A client ID, used for identifying this client when publishing messages or for presence purposes.
clientId - Variable in class
The client ID, if any, bound to this Ably Token.
clientId - Variable in class
A client ID, used for identifying this client when publishing messages or for presence purposes.
clientId - Variable in class
The client ID the device is connected to Ably with.
clientId - Variable in class io.ably.lib.types.BaseMessage
The client ID of the publisher of this message.
clientId - Variable in class io.ably.lib.types.ClientOptions
A client ID, used for identifying this client when publishing messages or for presence purposes.
clientId - Variable in class io.ably.lib.types.ConnectionDetails
Contains the client ID assigned to the token.
clientId - Variable in class io.ably.lib.types.Message.Operation
ClientOptions - Class in io.ably.lib.types
Passes additional client-specific properties to the AblyRest or the AblyRealtime.
ClientOptions() - Constructor for class io.ably.lib.types.ClientOptions
Creates a ClientOptions instance used to configure Rest and Realtime clients
ClientOptions(String) - Constructor for class io.ably.lib.types.ClientOptions
Creates a ClientOptions instance used to configure Rest and Realtime clients
ClientOptionsUtils - Class in io.ably.lib.util
ClientOptionsUtils() - Constructor for class io.ably.lib.util.ClientOptionsUtils
clone() - Method in class io.ably.lib.types.PresenceMessage
close - Enum constant in enum class io.ably.lib.types.ProtocolMessage.Action
close() - Method in class io.ably.lib.http.Http
close() - Method in class io.ably.lib.http.HttpScheduler
close() - Method in class io.ably.lib.realtime.AblyRealtime
Calls Connection.close() and causes the connection to close, entering the closing state.
close() - Method in class io.ably.lib.realtime.Connection
Causes the connection to close, entering the ConnectionState.closing state.
close() - Method in class
Causes the connection to close, entering the [ConnectionState.closing state.
close() - Method in class io.ably.lib.transport.ConnectionManager
close() - Method in interface io.ably.lib.transport.ITransport
Close this transport.
close() - Method in class io.ably.lib.transport.WebSocketTransport
close() - Method in class io.ably.lib.util.CurrentThreadExecutor
CloseableExecutor - Interface in io.ably.lib.http
closed - Enum constant in enum class io.ably.lib.realtime.ConnectionEvent
closed - Enum constant in enum class io.ably.lib.realtime.ConnectionState
The connection has been explicitly closed by the client.
closed - Enum constant in enum class io.ably.lib.types.ProtocolMessage.Action
closing - Enum constant in enum class io.ably.lib.realtime.ConnectionEvent
closing - Enum constant in enum class io.ably.lib.realtime.ConnectionState
An explicit request by the developer to close the connection has been sent to the Ably service.
code - Variable in enum class
code - Variable in class io.ably.lib.types.ErrorInfo
CollectionUtils - Class in io.ably.lib.util
CompletionListener - Interface in io.ably.lib.realtime
An interface allowing a client to be notified of the outcome of an asynchronous operation.
CompletionListener.FromCallback - Class in io.ably.lib.realtime
CompletionListener.Multicaster - Class in io.ably.lib.realtime
A Multicaster instance is used in the Ably library to manage a list of client listeners against certain operations.
CompletionListener.ToCallback - Class in io.ably.lib.realtime
connect - Enum constant in enum class io.ably.lib.types.ProtocolMessage.Action
connect() - Method in class io.ably.lib.realtime.AblyRealtime
Calls Connection.connect() and causes the connection to open, entering the connecting state.
connect() - Method in class io.ably.lib.realtime.Connection
Explicitly calling connect() is unnecessary unless the autoConnect attribute of the ClientOptions object is false.
connect() - Method in class io.ably.lib.transport.ConnectionManager
connect(ITransport.ConnectListener) - Method in interface io.ably.lib.transport.ITransport
Initiate a connection attempt; the transport will be activated, and attempt to remain connected, until disconnect() is called.
connect(ITransport.ConnectListener) - Method in class io.ably.lib.transport.WebSocketTransport
ITransport methods
connected - Enum constant in enum class io.ably.lib.realtime.ConnectionEvent
connected - Enum constant in enum class io.ably.lib.realtime.ConnectionState
A connection exists and is active.
connected - Enum constant in enum class io.ably.lib.types.ProtocolMessage.Action
connecting - Enum constant in enum class io.ably.lib.realtime.ConnectionEvent
connecting - Enum constant in enum class io.ably.lib.realtime.ConnectionState
A connection attempt has been initiated.
connection - Variable in class io.ably.lib.realtime.AblyRealtime
The Connection object for this instance.
Connection - Class in io.ably.lib.realtime
Enables the management of a connection to Ably.
connectionDetails - Variable in class io.ably.lib.types.ProtocolMessage
ConnectionDetails - Class in io.ably.lib.types
Contains any constraints a client should adhere to and provides additional metadata about a Connection, such as if a request to ChannelBase.publish(java.lang.String, java.lang.Object) a message that exceeds the maximum message size should be rejected immediately without communicating with Ably.
ConnectionEvent - Enum Class in io.ably.lib.realtime
Describes the events emitted by a Connection object.
connectionId - Variable in class io.ably.lib.types.BaseMessage
The connection ID of the publisher of this message.
connectionId - Variable in class io.ably.lib.types.ProtocolMessage
connectionKey - Variable in class io.ably.lib.transport.ITransport.TransportParams
connectionKey - Variable in class io.ably.lib.types.ConnectionDetails
The connection secret key string that is used to resume a connection and its state.
connectionKey - Variable in class io.ably.lib.types.Message
Key needed only in case one client is publishing this message on behalf of another client.
connectionManager - Variable in class io.ably.lib.realtime.Connection
ConnectionManager - Class in io.ably.lib.transport
ConnectionManager(AblyRealtime, Connection, ConnectionManager.Channels, PlatformAgentProvider) - Constructor for class io.ably.lib.transport.ConnectionManager
ConnectionManager.Channels - Interface in io.ably.lib.transport
Methods on the channels map owned by the AblyRealtime instance which the ConnectionManager needs access to.
ConnectionManager.QueuedMessage - Class in io.ably.lib.transport
event queueing
ConnectionManager.State - Class in io.ably.lib.transport
a class encapsulating state machine information for a given state
ConnectionManager.StateIndication - Class in io.ably.lib.transport
a class encapsulating information associated with a currentState change request or notification
connections - Variable in class io.ably.lib.types.Stats
A Stats.ConnectionTypes object containing a breakdown of connection related stats, such as min, mean and peak connections.
ConnectionState - Enum Class in io.ably.lib.realtime
Describes the realtime Connection object states.
ConnectionStateChange(ConnectionState, ConnectionState, long, ErrorInfo) - Constructor for class io.ably.lib.realtime.ConnectionStateListener.ConnectionStateChange
ConnectionStateListener - Interface in io.ably.lib.realtime
An interface whereby a client may be notified of state changes for a connection.
ConnectionStateListener.ConnectionStateChange - Class in io.ably.lib.realtime
Contains ConnectionState change information emitted by the Connection object.
ConnectionStateListener.Filter - Class in io.ably.lib.realtime
ConnectionStateListener.Multicaster - Class in io.ably.lib.realtime
connectionStateTtl - Static variable in class io.ably.lib.transport.Defaults
connectionStateTtl - Variable in class io.ably.lib.types.ConnectionDetails
The duration that Ably will persist the connection state for when a Realtime client is abruptly disconnected.
ConnectionTypes() - Constructor for class io.ably.lib.types.Stats.ConnectionTypes
containsKey(Param[], String) - Static method in class io.ably.lib.types.Param
containsKey(Object) - Method in interface io.ably.lib.types.ReadOnlyMap
containsKey(Object) - Method in class io.ably.lib.util.InternalMap
containsValue(Object) - Method in interface io.ably.lib.types.ReadOnlyMap
containsValue(Object) - Method in class io.ably.lib.util.InternalMap
CONTENT_LENGTH - Static variable in class io.ably.lib.http.HttpConstants.Headers
CONTENT_TYPE - Static variable in class io.ably.lib.http.HttpConstants.Headers
contentLength - Variable in class io.ably.lib.http.HttpCore.Response
contentType - Variable in class io.ably.lib.http.HttpCore.Response
ContentTypes() - Constructor for class io.ably.lib.http.HttpConstants.ContentTypes
convertToProxyConfig(ClientOptions) - Static method in class io.ably.lib.util.ClientOptionsUtils
copy() - Method in class io.ably.lib.debug.DebugOptions
copy() - Method in class io.ably.lib.types.ClientOptions
Internal method
copy(Map<K, V>) - Static method in class io.ably.lib.util.CollectionUtils
Creates a shallow copy.
count - Variable in class io.ably.lib.types.ProtocolMessage
count - Variable in class io.ably.lib.types.Stats
count - Variable in class io.ably.lib.types.Stats.MessageCount
The count of all messages.
countFields() - Method in class io.ably.lib.types.BaseMessage
create(Map<String, String>, PlatformAgentProvider) - Static method in class io.ably.lib.util.AgentHeaderCreator
createChannelDecipher(Crypto.CipherParams) - Static method in class io.ably.lib.util.Crypto
Internal; get a decrypting cipher instance based on the given channel options.
createChannelEncipher(Crypto.CipherParams) - Static method in class io.ably.lib.util.Crypto
Internal; get an encrypting cipher instance based on the given channel options.
createdAt - Variable in class io.ably.lib.types.Message
(TM2o) createdAt time in milliseconds since epoch.
createPlatformAgent() - Method in class io.ably.lib.util.JavaPlatformAgentProvider
createPlatformAgent() - Method in interface io.ably.lib.util.PlatformAgentProvider
Creates the platform agent for agent header AgentHeaderCreator.
createRecoveryKey() - Method in class io.ably.lib.realtime.Connection
createRecoveryKey is a method that returns a json string which incorporates the @connectionKey@, the current @msgSerial@, and a collection of pairs of channel @name@ and current @channelSerial@ for every currently attached channel.
createSocket() - Method in class io.ably.lib.transport.SafeSSLSocketFactory
createSocket(String, int) - Method in class io.ably.lib.transport.SafeSSLSocketFactory
createSocket(String, int, InetAddress, int) - Method in class io.ably.lib.transport.SafeSSLSocketFactory
createSocket(InetAddress, int) - Method in class io.ably.lib.transport.SafeSSLSocketFactory
createSocket(InetAddress, int, InetAddress, int) - Method in class io.ably.lib.transport.SafeSSLSocketFactory
createSocket(Socket, String, int, boolean) - Method in class io.ably.lib.transport.SafeSSLSocketFactory
createTokenRequest(Auth.TokenParams, Auth.AuthOptions) - Method in class
Creates and signs an Ably Auth.TokenRequest based on the specified (or if none specified, the client library stored) Auth.TokenParams and Auth.AuthOptions.
createUpdateEvent(ErrorInfo) - Static method in class io.ably.lib.realtime.ConnectionStateListener.ConnectionStateChange
Crypto - Class in io.ably.lib.util
Contains the properties required to configure the encryption of Message payloads.
Crypto() - Constructor for class io.ably.lib.util.Crypto
Crypto.CipherParams - Class in io.ably.lib.util
Sets the properties to configure encryption for a Channel or Channel object.
Crypto.DecryptingChannelCipher - Interface in io.ably.lib.util
Internal; a cipher used to decrypt plaintext from ciphertext, for a channel.
Crypto.EncryptingChannelCipher - Interface in io.ably.lib.util
Internal; a cipher used to encrypt plaintext to ciphertext, for a channel.
current - Variable in class io.ably.lib.realtime.ChannelStateListener.ChannelStateChange
The new current ChannelState.
current - Variable in class io.ably.lib.realtime.ConnectionStateListener.ConnectionStateChange
current() - Method in class io.ably.lib.http.HttpPaginatedQuery.HttpPaginatedResult
current() - Method in interface io.ably.lib.types.BasePaginatedResult
current() - Method in class io.ably.lib.types.HttpPaginatedResponse
current() - Method in interface io.ably.lib.types.PaginatedResult
Returns a new PaginatedResult for the current page of results.
current(AsyncHttpPaginatedResponse.Callback) - Method in class io.ably.lib.http.AsyncHttpPaginatedQuery.AsyncHttpPaginatedResult
current(AsyncHttpPaginatedResponse.Callback) - Method in class io.ably.lib.types.AsyncHttpPaginatedResponse
current(Callback<AsyncPaginatedResult<T>>) - Method in interface io.ably.lib.types.AsyncPaginatedResult
Returns a new PaginatedResult for the current page of results.
CurrentThreadExecutor - Class in io.ably.lib.util
CurrentThreadExecutor() - Constructor for class io.ably.lib.util.CurrentThreadExecutor


d(String, String) - Static method in class io.ably.lib.util.Log
d(String, String, Throwable) - Static method in class io.ably.lib.util.Log
data - Variable in class io.ably.lib.types.BaseMessage
The message payload, if provided.
data - Variable in class io.ably.lib.types.Stats.MessageCount
The total number of bytes transferred for all messages.
day - Enum constant in enum class io.ably.lib.types.Stats.Granularity
Interval unit over which statistics are gathered as days.
DEBUG - Static variable in class io.ably.lib.util.Log
Priority constant; use Log.d.
DebugOptions - Class in io.ably.lib.debug
DebugOptions() - Constructor for class io.ably.lib.debug.DebugOptions
DebugOptions(String) - Constructor for class io.ably.lib.debug.DebugOptions
DebugOptions.RawHttpListener - Interface in io.ably.lib.debug
DebugOptions.RawProtocolListener - Interface in io.ably.lib.debug
decode(char[]) - Static method in class io.ably.lib.util.Base64Coder
Decodes a byte array from Base64 format.
decode(char[], int, int) - Static method in class io.ably.lib.util.Base64Coder
Decodes a byte array from Base64 format.
decode(ChannelOptions) - Method in class io.ably.lib.types.BaseMessage
decode(ChannelOptions, DecodingContext) - Method in class io.ably.lib.types.BaseMessage
decode(String) - Static method in class io.ably.lib.types.RecoveryKeyContext
decode(String) - Static method in class io.ably.lib.util.Base64Coder
Decodes a byte array from Base64 format.
decodeLines(String) - Static method in class io.ably.lib.util.Base64Coder
Decodes a byte array from Base64 format and ignores line separators, tabs and blanks.
decodeParams(String) - Static method in class io.ably.lib.http.HttpUtils
decodeString(String) - Static method in class io.ably.lib.util.Base64Coder
Decodes a string from Base64 format.
DecodingContext - Class in io.ably.lib.types
DecodingContext() - Constructor for class io.ably.lib.types.DecodingContext
decrypt(byte[]) - Method in interface io.ably.lib.util.Crypto.DecryptingChannelCipher
Deciphers ciphertext.
DEFAULT_ALGORITHM - Static variable in class io.ably.lib.util.Crypto
DEFAULT_BLOCKLENGTH - Static variable in class io.ably.lib.util.Crypto
DEFAULT_KEYLENGTH - Static variable in class io.ably.lib.util.Crypto
defaultAcceptHeaders(boolean) - Static method in class io.ably.lib.http.HttpUtils
defaultErrorInfo - Variable in class io.ably.lib.transport.ConnectionManager.State
defaultHandler - Static variable in class io.ably.lib.util.Log
DefaultHandler() - Constructor for class io.ably.lib.util.Log.DefaultHandler
defaultLevel - Static variable in class io.ably.lib.util.Log
DefaultNetworkConnectivity() - Constructor for class io.ably.lib.transport.NetworkConnectivity.DefaultNetworkConnectivity
Defaults - Class in io.ably.lib.transport
Defaults() - Constructor for class io.ably.lib.transport.Defaults
defaultTokenParams - Variable in class io.ably.lib.types.ClientOptions
When a Auth.TokenParams object is provided, it overrides the client library defaults when issuing new Ably Tokens or Ably Auth.TokenRequest.
del(String, Param[], Param[], HttpCore.ResponseHandler<T>, boolean, Callback<T>) - Method in class io.ably.lib.http.HttpScheduler
Async HTTP DEL for Ably host, with fallbacks
DelegatedNetworkConnectivity() - Constructor for class io.ably.lib.transport.NetworkConnectivity.DelegatedNetworkConnectivity
DELETE - Static variable in class io.ably.lib.http.HttpConstants.Methods
delta - Variable in class io.ably.lib.types.Stats.ProcessedMessages
DeltaExtras - Class in io.ably.lib.types
description - Variable in class io.ably.lib.types.Message.Operation
deserialize(JsonElement, Type, JsonDeserializationContext) - Method in class io.ably.lib.types.Message.Serializer
deserialize(JsonElement, Type, JsonDeserializationContext) - Method in class io.ably.lib.types.PresenceMessage.ActionSerializer
deserialize(JsonElement, Type, JsonDeserializationContext) - Method in class io.ably.lib.types.ProtocolMessage.ActionSerializer
detach - Enum constant in enum class io.ably.lib.types.ProtocolMessage.Action
detach() - Method in class io.ably.lib.realtime.ChannelBase
Detach from this channel.
detach(CompletionListener) - Method in class io.ably.lib.realtime.ChannelBase
Detach from this channel.
detached - Enum constant in enum class io.ably.lib.realtime.ChannelEvent
detached - Enum constant in enum class io.ably.lib.realtime.ChannelState
The channel, having previously been ATTACHED, has been detached by the user.
detached - Enum constant in enum class io.ably.lib.types.ProtocolMessage.Action
detaching - Enum constant in enum class io.ably.lib.realtime.ChannelEvent
detaching - Enum constant in enum class io.ably.lib.realtime.ChannelState
A detach has been initiated on an ATTACHED channel by sending a request to Ably.
DeviceDetails - Class in
Contains the properties of a device registered for push notifications.
DeviceDetails() - Constructor for class
DeviceDetails.Push - Class in
Contains the details of the push registration of a device.
DeviceDetails.Push.State - Enum Class in
deviceId - Variable in class io.ably.lib.push.PushBase.ChannelSubscription
The unique ID of the device.
deviceRegistrations - Variable in class io.ably.lib.push.PushBase.Admin
DIGEST - Enum constant in enum class io.ably.lib.http.HttpAuth.Type
directPublishes - Variable in class io.ably.lib.types.Stats.PushedMessages
Total number of direct publishes.
disconnect - Enum constant in enum class io.ably.lib.types.ProtocolMessage.Action
disconnected - Enum constant in enum class io.ably.lib.realtime.ConnectionEvent
disconnected - Enum constant in enum class io.ably.lib.realtime.ConnectionState
A temporary failure condition.
disconnected - Enum constant in enum class io.ably.lib.types.ProtocolMessage.Action
disconnectedRetryTimeout - Variable in class io.ably.lib.types.ClientOptions
When the connection enters the disconnected state, after this timeout, if the state is still disconnected, the client library will attempt to reconnect automatically.


e(String, String) - Static method in class io.ably.lib.util.Log
e(String, String, Throwable) - Static method in class io.ably.lib.util.Log
echoMessages - Variable in class io.ably.lib.types.ClientOptions
If false, prevents messages originating from this connection being echoed back on the same connection.
emit(Event, Object...) - Method in class io.ably.lib.util.EventEmitter
Emits an event, calling registered listeners with the given event name and any other given arguments.
emit(ChannelState, ChannelStateListener.ChannelStateChange) - Method in class io.ably.lib.realtime.ChannelBase
emit(ConnectionState, ConnectionStateListener.ConnectionStateChange) - Method in class io.ably.lib.realtime.Connection
emitUpdate(ErrorInfo) - Method in class io.ably.lib.realtime.Connection
encode() - Method in class io.ably.lib.types.RecoveryKeyContext
encode(byte[]) - Static method in class io.ably.lib.util.Base64Coder
Encodes a byte array into Base64 format.
encode(byte[], int) - Static method in class io.ably.lib.util.Base64Coder
Encodes a byte array into Base64 format.
encode(byte[], int, int) - Static method in class io.ably.lib.util.Base64Coder
Encodes a byte array into Base64 format.
encode(ChannelOptions) - Method in class io.ably.lib.types.BaseMessage
encodeLines(byte[]) - Static method in class io.ably.lib.util.Base64Coder
Encodes a byte array into Base 64 format and breaks the output into lines of 76 characters.
encodeLines(byte[], int, int, int, String) - Static method in class io.ably.lib.util.Base64Coder
Encodes a byte array into Base 64 format and breaks the output into lines.
encodeParams(String, Param[]) - Static method in class io.ably.lib.http.HttpUtils
encodeString(String) - Static method in class io.ably.lib.util.Base64Coder
Encodes a string into Base64 format.
encodeToString(byte[]) - Static method in class io.ably.lib.util.Base64Coder
Encodes a byte array into Base64 format.
encodeURIComponent(String) - Static method in class io.ably.lib.http.HttpUtils
encoding - Variable in class io.ably.lib.types.BaseMessage
This is typically empty, as all messages received from Ably are automatically decoded client-side using this value.
encrypt(byte[]) - Method in interface io.ably.lib.util.Crypto.EncryptingChannelCipher
Enciphers plaintext.
encrypted - Variable in class io.ably.lib.types.ChannelOptions
Whether or not this ChannelOptions is encrypted.
enrichParams(Param[], ClientOptions) - Static method in class io.ably.lib.util.ParamsUtils
Produce either new or extend provided array of parameters based on values in Client options
enter - Enum constant in enum class io.ably.lib.types.PresenceMessage.Action
A new member has entered the channel.
enter(Object, CompletionListener) - Method in class io.ably.lib.realtime.Presence
Enters the presence set for the channel, optionally passing a data payload.
enterClient(String) - Method in class io.ably.lib.realtime.Presence
Enters the presence set of the channel for a given clientId.
enterClient(String, Object) - Method in class io.ably.lib.realtime.Presence
Enters the presence set of the channel for a given clientId.
enterClient(String, Object, CompletionListener) - Method in class io.ably.lib.realtime.Presence
Enters the presence set of the channel for a given clientId.
entrySet() - Method in interface io.ably.lib.types.ReadOnlyMap
entrySet() - Method in class io.ably.lib.util.InternalMap
environment - Variable in class io.ably.lib.types.ClientOptions
Enables a custom environment to be used with the Ably service.
equals(Object) - Method in class io.ably.lib.push.PushBase.ChannelSubscription
equals(Object) - Method in class
Check equality of a TokenDetails
equals(Object) - Method in class
Check equality of a TokenParams
equals(Object) - Method in class
Check equality of a TokenRequest
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class io.ably.lib.types.DeltaExtras
equals(Object) - Method in class io.ably.lib.types.ErrorInfo
equals(Object) - Method in class io.ably.lib.types.MessageExtras
equals(Object) - Method in class io.ably.lib.types.Param
error - Enum constant in enum class io.ably.lib.types.ProtocolMessage.Action
error - Variable in class io.ably.lib.types.ErrorResponse
error - Variable in class io.ably.lib.types.ProtocolMessage
error - Variable in class io.ably.lib.types.PublishResponse
Describes the reason for which a message, or messages failed to publish to a channel as an ErrorInfo object.
ERROR - Static variable in class io.ably.lib.util.Log
Priority constant; use Log.e.
errorCode - Variable in class io.ably.lib.types.AsyncHttpPaginatedResponse
errorCode - Variable in class io.ably.lib.types.HttpPaginatedResponse
The error code if the X-Ably-Errorcode HTTP header is sent in the response.
errorInfo - Variable in exception io.ably.lib.types.AblyException
ErrorInfo - Class in io.ably.lib.types
A generic Ably error object that contains an Ably-specific status code, and a generic status code.
ErrorInfo() - Constructor for class io.ably.lib.types.ErrorInfo
Public no-argument constructor for msgpack
ErrorInfo(String, int) - Constructor for class io.ably.lib.types.ErrorInfo
Construct an ErrorInfo from message and code
ErrorInfo(String, int, int) - Constructor for class io.ably.lib.types.ErrorInfo
Construct an ErrorInfo from message, statusCode, and code
errorMessage - Variable in class io.ably.lib.types.AsyncHttpPaginatedResponse
errorMessage - Variable in class io.ably.lib.types.HttpPaginatedResponse
The error message if the X-Ably-Errormessage HTTP header is sent in the response.
errorReason - Variable in class
An ErrorInfo object describing the most recent error when the state is Failing or Failed.
ErrorResponse - Class in io.ably.lib.types
ErrorResponse() - Constructor for class io.ably.lib.types.ErrorResponse
event - Variable in class io.ably.lib.realtime.ChannelStateListener.ChannelStateChange
The event that triggered thisChannelState change.
event - Variable in class io.ably.lib.realtime.ConnectionStateListener.ConnectionStateChange
The event that triggered this ConnectionState change.
EventEmitter<Event,Listener> - Class in io.ably.lib.util
A generic interface for event registration and delivery used in a number of the types in the Realtime client library.
EventEmitter() - Constructor for class io.ably.lib.util.EventEmitter
EventEmitter.Filter - Class in io.ably.lib.util
exchangeHttpCore(HttpCore) - Method in class io.ably.lib.http.AsyncHttpScheduler
[Internal Method]
exchangeHttpCore(HttpCore) - Method in class io.ably.lib.http.Http
[Internal Method]
exec() - Method in class io.ably.lib.http.HttpPaginatedQuery
Get the result of the first query
exec(AsyncHttpPaginatedResponse.Callback) - Method in class io.ably.lib.http.AsyncHttpPaginatedQuery
exec(Param[]) - Method in class io.ably.lib.http.HttpPaginatedQuery
Get the result of the first query
exec(Param[], AsyncHttpPaginatedResponse.Callback) - Method in class io.ably.lib.http.AsyncHttpPaginatedQuery
exec(String) - Method in class io.ably.lib.http.BasePaginatedQuery
Get the result of the first query
exec(String, String, Param[], Param[], HttpCore.RequestBody, HttpCore.ResponseHandler<T>, boolean, Callback<T>) - Method in class io.ably.lib.http.HttpScheduler
Async HTTP request for Ably host, with fallbacks
execute(HttpScheduler, Callback<Result>) - Method in interface io.ably.lib.http.Http.Execute
execute(Runnable) - Method in class io.ably.lib.http.HttpScheduler
Adds a Runnable to the Executor used by this scheduler instance.
execute(Runnable) - Method in class io.ably.lib.util.CurrentThreadExecutor
executor - Variable in class io.ably.lib.http.HttpScheduler
Experimental - Annotation Interface in io.ably.annotation
An annotation indicating an experimental API.
expired - Variable in exception io.ably.lib.http.HttpCore.AuthRequiredException
expires - Variable in class
The timestamp at which this token expires as milliseconds since the Unix epoch.
extras - Variable in class io.ably.lib.types.Message
A MessageExtras object of arbitrary key-value pairs that may contain metadata, and/or ancillary payloads.


Factory() - Constructor for class io.ably.lib.transport.WebSocketTransport.Factory
failed - Enum constant in enum class io.ably.lib.realtime.ChannelEvent
failed - Enum constant in enum class io.ably.lib.realtime.ChannelState
An indefinite failure condition.
failed - Enum constant in enum class io.ably.lib.realtime.ConnectionEvent
failed - Enum constant in enum class io.ably.lib.realtime.ConnectionState
This state is entered if the client library encounters a failure condition that it cannot recover from.
failed - Variable in class io.ably.lib.types.Stats.ProcessedCount
failed - Variable in class io.ably.lib.types.Stats.RequestCount
The number of requests that failed.
Failed(AblyException) - Constructor for class io.ably.lib.http.BasePaginatedQuery.ResultRequest.Failed
FAILED - Enum constant in enum class
failedRequest(AblyException) - Method in class io.ably.lib.http.Http
FAILING - Enum constant in enum class
fallbackHosts - Variable in class io.ably.lib.types.ClientOptions
An array of fallback hosts to be used in the case of an error necessitating the use of an alternative host.
fallbackHostsRemaining(String) - Method in class io.ably.lib.transport.Hosts
fallbackHostsUseDefault - Variable in class io.ably.lib.types.ClientOptions
fallbackRetryTimeout - Static variable in class io.ably.lib.transport.Defaults
fallbackRetryTimeout - Variable in class io.ably.lib.types.ClientOptions
The maximum time before HTTP requests are retried against the default endpoint.
findByValue(int) - Static method in enum class io.ably.lib.types.PresenceMessage.Action
findByValue(int) - Static method in enum class io.ably.lib.types.ProtocolMessage.Action
first() - Method in class io.ably.lib.http.HttpPaginatedQuery.HttpPaginatedResult
first() - Method in interface io.ably.lib.types.BasePaginatedResult
Perform the given relative query
first() - Method in class io.ably.lib.types.HttpPaginatedResponse
Perform the given relative query
first() - Method in interface io.ably.lib.types.PaginatedResult
Returns a new PaginatedResult for the first page of results.
first(AsyncHttpPaginatedResponse.Callback) - Method in class io.ably.lib.http.AsyncHttpPaginatedQuery.AsyncHttpPaginatedResult
first(AsyncHttpPaginatedResponse.Callback) - Method in class io.ably.lib.types.AsyncHttpPaginatedResponse
Obtain params required to perform the given relative query
first(Callback<AsyncPaginatedResult<T>>) - Method in interface io.ably.lib.types.AsyncPaginatedResult
Returns a new PaginatedResult for the first page of results.
flags - Variable in class io.ably.lib.types.ProtocolMessage
flattenParams(Map<String, Param>) - Static method in class io.ably.lib.http.HttpUtils
forClientId(String, String) - Static method in class io.ably.lib.push.PushBase.ChannelSubscription
A static factory method to create a PushChannelSubscription object for a channel and group of devices sharing the same clientId.
forDevice(String, String) - Static method in class io.ably.lib.push.PushBase.ChannelSubscription
A static factory method to create a PushChannelSubscription object for a channel and single device.
FORM_ENCODING - Static variable in class io.ably.lib.http.HttpConstants.ContentTypes
FORMAT_VCDIFF - Static variable in class io.ably.lib.types.DeltaExtras
formFactor - Variable in class
The device form factor associated with the device.
FormRequestBody(Param[]) - Constructor for class io.ably.lib.http.HttpUtils.FormRequestBody
FromCallback(Callback<Void>) - Constructor for class io.ably.lib.realtime.CompletionListener.FromCallback
fromCipherKey(byte[]) - Static method in class io.ably.lib.types.ChannelOptions
fromCipherKey(String) - Static method in class io.ably.lib.types.ChannelOptions
fromCode(String) - Static method in enum class
fromDescription(String) - Static method in exception io.ably.lib.types.MessageDecodeException
fromEncoded(JsonObject, ChannelOptions) - Static method in class io.ably.lib.types.Message
A static factory method to create a Message object from a deserialized Message-like object encoded using Ably's wire protocol.
fromEncoded(JsonObject, ChannelOptions) - Static method in class io.ably.lib.types.PresenceMessage
Decodes and decrypts a deserialized PresenceMessage-like object using the cipher in ChannelOptions.
fromEncoded(String, ChannelOptions) - Static method in class io.ably.lib.types.Message
A static factory method to create a Message object from a deserialized Message-like object encoded using Ably's wire protocol.
fromEncoded(String, ChannelOptions) - Static method in class io.ably.lib.types.PresenceMessage
Decodes and decrypts a deserialized PresenceMessage-like object using the cipher in ChannelOptions.
fromEncodedArray(JsonArray, ChannelOptions) - Static method in class io.ably.lib.types.Message
A static factory method to create an array of Message objects from an array of deserialized Message-like object encoded using Ably's wire protocol.
fromEncodedArray(JsonArray, ChannelOptions) - Static method in class io.ably.lib.types.PresenceMessage
Decodes and decrypts an array of deserialized PresenceMessage-like object using the cipher in ChannelOptions.
fromEncodedArray(String, ChannelOptions) - Static method in class io.ably.lib.types.Message
A static factory method to create an array of Message objects from an array of deserialized Message-like object encoded using Ably's wire protocol.
fromEncodedArray(String, ChannelOptions) - Static method in class io.ably.lib.types.PresenceMessage
Decodes and decrypts an array of deserialized PresenceMessage-like object using the cipher in ChannelOptions.
fromErrorInfo(ErrorInfo) - Static method in exception io.ably.lib.types.AblyException
fromErrorInfo(Throwable, ErrorInfo) - Static method in exception io.ably.lib.types.AblyException
fromInt(int) - Static method in enum class
fromIntervalId(String) - Static method in class io.ably.lib.types.Stats
fromJson(String) - Static method in class
A static factory method to create a TokenDetails object from a deserialized TokenDetails-like object or a JSON stringified TokenDetails object.
fromJson(String) - Static method in class
A static factory method to create a TokenRequest object from a deserialized TokenRequest-like object or a JSON stringified TokenRequest object.
fromJSON(JsonObject) - Static method in class
fromJSON(JsonObject) - Static method in class
use fromJsonElement(JsonObject json) instead
fromJSON(String) - Static method in class io.ably.lib.types.ErrorResponse
Get an ErrorInfo from a response body with error details
fromJSON(String) - Static method in class io.ably.lib.types.ProtocolSerializer
JSON decode
fromJsonElement - Static variable in class io.ably.lib.util.StringUtils
fromJsonElement(JsonElement) - Method in interface io.ably.lib.util.Serialisation.FromJsonElement
fromJsonElement(JsonObject) - Static method in class
A static factory method to create a TokenDetails object from a deserialized TokenDetails-like object or a JSON stringified TokenDetails object.
fromJsonElement(JsonObject) - Static method in class
A static factory method to create a TokenRequest object from a deserialized TokenRequest-like object or a JSON stringified TokenRequest object.
fromJsonObject(JsonObject) - Static method in class io.ably.lib.push.PushBase.ChannelSubscription
fromJsonObject(JsonObject) - Static method in class
fromMsgpackBody(byte[]) - Static method in class io.ably.lib.types.ErrorInfo
fromResponseStatus(String, int) - Static method in class io.ably.lib.types.ErrorInfo
fromThrowable(Throwable) - Static method in exception io.ably.lib.types.AblyException
Get an exception from a throwable occurring locally
fromThrowable(Throwable) - Static method in class io.ably.lib.types.ErrorInfo
fromThrowableAndErrorInfo(Throwable, ErrorInfo) - Static method in exception io.ably.lib.types.MessageDecodeException


generateRandomKey() - Static method in class io.ably.lib.util.Crypto
Generates a random key to be used in the encryption of the channel.
generateRandomKey(int) - Static method in class io.ably.lib.util.Crypto
Generates a random key to be used in the encryption of the channel.
generateRandomRequestId() - Static method in class io.ably.lib.util.Crypto
Returns a "request_id" query param, based on a sequence of 9 random bytes which have been base64 encoded.
get() - Method in class io.ably.lib.http.BasePaginatedQuery
Get the result of the first query
get() - Method in class io.ably.lib.http.PaginatedQuery
Get the result of the first query
get(boolean) - Method in class io.ably.lib.realtime.Presence
Retrieves the current members present on the channel and the metadata for each member, such as their PresenceMessage.Action and ID.
get(Callback<AsyncPaginatedResult<T>>) - Method in class io.ably.lib.http.AsyncPaginatedQuery
Get the result of the first query
get(Param...) - Method in class io.ably.lib.realtime.Presence
Retrieves the current members present on the channel and the metadata for each member, such as their PresenceMessage.Action and ID.
get(Param[]) - Method in class
Retrieves the current members present on the channel and the metadata for each member, such as their PresenceMessage.Action and ID.
get(Object) - Method in interface io.ably.lib.types.ReadOnlyMap
get(Object) - Method in class io.ably.lib.util.InternalMap
get(String) - Method in class io.ably.lib.push.PushBase.DeviceRegistrations
Retrieves the DeviceDetails of a device registered to receive push notifications using its deviceId.
get(String) - Method in interface io.ably.lib.realtime.AblyRealtime.Channels
Creates a new Channel object, or returns the existing channel object.
get(String) - Method in interface
get(String, boolean) - Method in class io.ably.lib.realtime.Presence
Retrieves the current members present on the channel and the metadata for each member, such as their PresenceMessage.Action and ID.
get(String, int) - Method in interface io.ably.lib.push.Storage
Returns integer value based on key from storage
get(String, ChannelOptions) - Method in interface io.ably.lib.realtime.AblyRealtime.Channels
Creates a new Channel object, with the specified ChannelOptions, or returns the existing channel object.
get(String, ChannelOptions) - Method in interface
get(String, Param[], Param[], HttpCore.ResponseHandler<T>, boolean, Callback<T>) - Method in class io.ably.lib.http.HttpScheduler
Async HTTP GET for Ably host, with fallbacks
get(String, String) - Method in interface io.ably.lib.push.Storage
Returns string value based on key from storage
GET - Static variable in class io.ably.lib.http.HttpConstants.Methods
GET_CLIENTID - Static variable in class io.ably.lib.realtime.Presence
GET_CONNECTIONID - Static variable in class io.ably.lib.realtime.Presence
GET_WAITFORSYNC - Static variable in class io.ably.lib.realtime.Presence
String parameter names for get() call with Param...
getAlgorithm() - Method in interface io.ably.lib.util.Crypto.EncryptingChannelCipher
getAsync(Param[], Callback<AsyncPaginatedResult<PresenceMessage>>) - Method in class
Asynchronously retrieves the current members present on the channel and the metadata for each member, such as their PresenceMessage.Action and ID.
getAsync(String, Callback<DeviceDetails>) - Method in class io.ably.lib.push.PushBase.DeviceRegistrations
Asynchronously retrieves the DeviceDetails of a device registered to receive push notifications using its deviceId.
getAuthMethod() - Method in class
Get the authentication method for this library instance.
getAuthOptions() - Method in class
Get (a copy of) auth options currently set in this Auth.
getAuthorizationHeader() - Method in class
getAuthorizationHeader(String, String, byte[]) - Method in class io.ably.lib.http.HttpAuth
Get authorization header based on the last-received server nonce.
getAuthParams() - Method in class
Get query params representing the current authentication method and credentials.
getBasicCredentials() - Method in class
Get the credentials for HTTP basic auth, if available.
getBulkPublishResponseHandler(int) - Static method in class io.ably.lib.types.PublishResponse
getChannelEvent() - Method in enum class io.ably.lib.realtime.ChannelState
getChannelSerials() - Method in class io.ably.lib.realtime.AblyRealtime
getChannelSerials() - Method in class io.ably.lib.types.RecoveryKeyContext
getCipherParamsOrDefault() - Method in class io.ably.lib.types.ChannelOptions
Internal; returns cipher params or generate default
getClientOptions() - Method in class io.ably.lib.transport.ITransport.TransportParams
getConnectionEvent() - Method in enum class io.ably.lib.realtime.ConnectionState
getConnectionKey() - Method in class io.ably.lib.types.RecoveryKeyContext
getConnectionState() - Method in class io.ably.lib.transport.ConnectionManager
states API
getConnectParams(Param[]) - Method in class io.ably.lib.transport.ITransport.TransportParams
getContentType() - Method in interface io.ably.lib.http.HttpCore.RequestBody
getContentType() - Method in class io.ably.lib.http.HttpUtils.ByteArrayRequestBody
getContentType() - Method in class io.ably.lib.http.HttpUtils.FormRequestBody
getContentType() - Method in class io.ably.lib.http.HttpUtils.JsonRequestBody
getDefaultCipherSuites() - Method in class io.ably.lib.transport.SafeSSLSocketFactory
getDefaultParams() - Static method in class io.ably.lib.util.Crypto
Spec: RSE1
getDefaultParams(byte[]) - Static method in class io.ably.lib.util.Crypto
Spec: RSE1
getDefaultParams(String) - Static method in class io.ably.lib.util.Crypto
Spec: RSE1
getDelta() - Method in class io.ably.lib.types.MessageExtras
getDetails(StringBuilder) - Method in class io.ably.lib.types.BaseMessage
Generate a String summary of this BaseMessage.
getEncoded() - Method in interface io.ably.lib.http.HttpCore.RequestBody
getEncoded() - Method in class io.ably.lib.http.HttpUtils.ByteArrayRequestBody
getEncoded() - Method in class io.ably.lib.http.HttpUtils.FormRequestBody
getEncoded() - Method in class io.ably.lib.http.HttpUtils.JsonRequestBody
getEncodedToken() - Method in class
getEnvironmentFallbackHosts(String) - Static method in class io.ably.lib.transport.Defaults
getFallback(String) - Method in class io.ably.lib.transport.Hosts
Get next fallback host if any
getFirst(Param[], String) - Static method in class io.ably.lib.types.Param
getFormat() - Method in class io.ably.lib.types.DeltaExtras
The delta format.
getFrom() - Method in class io.ably.lib.types.DeltaExtras
The id of the message the delta was generated from.
getHeaderField(String) - Method in class io.ably.lib.http.HttpCore.Response
getHeaderFields(String) - Method in class io.ably.lib.http.HttpCore.Response
Returns the value of the named header field.
getHost() - Method in class io.ably.lib.transport.ConnectionManager
host management
getHost() - Method in interface io.ably.lib.transport.ITransport
getHost() - Method in class io.ably.lib.transport.ITransport.TransportParams
getHost() - Method in class io.ably.lib.transport.WebSocketTransport
getImpl(String) - Method in class io.ably.lib.push.PushBase.DeviceRegistrations
getLastMessageData() - Method in class io.ably.lib.types.DecodingContext
getMask() - Method in enum class io.ably.lib.types.ChannelMode
getMask() - Method in enum class io.ably.lib.types.ProtocolMessage.Flag
getMembers() - Method in class io.ably.lib.util.Multicaster
Returns a snapshot of the members of this multicaster instance.
getMessageResponseHandler(ChannelOptions) - Static method in class io.ably.lib.types.MessageSerializer
getModeFlags() - Method in class io.ably.lib.types.ChannelOptions
getModes() - Method in class io.ably.lib.realtime.ChannelBase
getMsgSerial() - Method in class io.ably.lib.types.RecoveryKeyContext
getNetworkConnectivity() - Method in class io.ably.lib.platform.Platform
getParam(Param[], String) - Static method in class io.ably.lib.http.HttpUtils
getParams() - Method in class io.ably.lib.realtime.ChannelBase
getParams(String, byte[]) - Static method in class io.ably.lib.util.Crypto
getParams(String, byte[], byte[]) - Static method in class io.ably.lib.util.Crypto
getParams(String, int) - Static method in class io.ably.lib.util.Crypto
getPendingMessages() - Method in class io.ably.lib.transport.ConnectionManager
getPort() - Method in class io.ably.lib.transport.ITransport.TransportParams
getPort(ClientOptions) - Static method in class io.ably.lib.transport.Defaults
getPreferredHost() - Method in class io.ably.lib.http.HttpCore
Gets host for this HTTP client
getPreferredHost() - Method in class io.ably.lib.transport.Hosts
Get preferred host name (taking into account any affinity to a fallback: see RSC15f)
getPresenceResponseHandler(ChannelOptions) - Static method in class io.ably.lib.types.PresenceSerializer
getPrimaryHost() - Method in class io.ably.lib.http.HttpCore
Gets host for this HTTP client
getPrimaryHost() - Method in class io.ably.lib.transport.Hosts
Get primary host name
getRandomId() - Static method in class io.ably.lib.util.Crypto
getRetryTime(long, int) - Static method in class io.ably.lib.util.ReconnectionStrategy
Spec: RTB1
getStateErrorInfo() - Method in class io.ably.lib.transport.ConnectionManager
getSupportedCipherSuites() - Method in class io.ably.lib.transport.SafeSSLSocketFactory
getTokenDetails() - Method in class
getTokenRequest(Auth.TokenParams) - Method in interface
getTransport(ITransport.TransportParams, ConnectionManager) - Method in interface io.ably.lib.transport.ITransport.Factory
Obtain and instance of this transport based on the specified options.
getTransport(ITransport.TransportParams, ConnectionManager) - Method in class io.ably.lib.transport.WebSocketTransport.Factory
getUri(HttpCore, String, Param[], Param[], HttpCore.ResponseHandler<T>) - Static method in class io.ably.lib.http.HttpHelpers
HTTP GET for non-Ably host
getUrl(HttpCore, String) - Static method in class io.ably.lib.http.HttpHelpers
Simple HTTP GET; no auth, headers, returning response body as byte[]
getURL() - Method in interface io.ably.lib.transport.ITransport
Get connection URL
getURL() - Method in class io.ably.lib.transport.WebSocketTransport
getUrlString(HttpCore, String) - Static method in class io.ably.lib.http.HttpHelpers
Simple HTTP GET; no auth, headers, returning response body as string
getValue() - Method in enum class io.ably.lib.types.PresenceMessage.Action
getValue() - Method in enum class io.ably.lib.types.ProtocolMessage.Action
gson - Static variable in class io.ably.lib.util.Serialisation
gsonBuilder - Static variable in class io.ably.lib.util.Serialisation
gsonParser - Static variable in class io.ably.lib.util.Serialisation
gsonToMsgpack(JsonElement) - Static method in class io.ably.lib.util.Serialisation
gsonToMsgpack(JsonElement, MessagePacker) - Static method in class io.ably.lib.util.Serialisation


handler - Static variable in class io.ably.lib.util.Log
handleResponse(HttpCore.Response, ErrorInfo) - Method in class io.ably.lib.http.AsyncHttpPaginatedQuery
handleResponse(HttpCore.Response, ErrorInfo) - Method in class io.ably.lib.http.BasePaginatedQuery
handleResponse(HttpCore.Response, ErrorInfo) - Method in interface io.ably.lib.http.HttpCore.ResponseHandler
handleResponse(HttpCore.Response, ErrorInfo) - Method in class io.ably.lib.http.HttpPaginatedQuery
handleResponse(HttpCore.Response, ErrorInfo) - Method in class io.ably.lib.util.Serialisation.HttpResponseHandler
handleResponseBody(String, byte[]) - Method in interface io.ably.lib.http.HttpCore.BodyHandler
handleResponseBody(String, byte[]) - Method in class io.ably.lib.util.Serialisation.HttpBodyHandler
has_backlog - Enum constant in enum class io.ably.lib.types.ProtocolMessage.Flag
has_presence - Enum constant in enum class io.ably.lib.types.ProtocolMessage.Flag
hasCurrent() - Method in class io.ably.lib.http.AsyncHttpPaginatedQuery.AsyncHttpPaginatedResult
hasCurrent() - Method in class io.ably.lib.http.HttpPaginatedQuery.HttpPaginatedResult
hasCurrent() - Method in class io.ably.lib.types.AsyncHttpPaginatedResponse
hasCurrent() - Method in interface io.ably.lib.types.AsyncPaginatedResult
hasCurrent() - Method in interface io.ably.lib.types.BasePaginatedResult
hasCurrent() - Method in class io.ably.lib.types.HttpPaginatedResponse
hasCurrent() - Method in interface io.ably.lib.types.PaginatedResult
hasFirst() - Method in class io.ably.lib.http.AsyncHttpPaginatedQuery.AsyncHttpPaginatedResult
hasFirst() - Method in class io.ably.lib.http.HttpPaginatedQuery.HttpPaginatedResult
hasFirst() - Method in class io.ably.lib.types.AsyncHttpPaginatedResponse
hasFirst() - Method in interface io.ably.lib.types.AsyncPaginatedResult
hasFirst() - Method in interface io.ably.lib.types.BasePaginatedResult
hasFirst() - Method in class io.ably.lib.types.HttpPaginatedResponse
hasFirst() - Method in interface io.ably.lib.types.PaginatedResult
hasFlag(ProtocolMessage.Flag) - Method in class io.ably.lib.types.ProtocolMessage
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class io.ably.lib.types.DeltaExtras
hashCode() - Method in class io.ably.lib.types.MessageExtras
hashCode() - Method in class io.ably.lib.types.Param
hasModes() - Method in class io.ably.lib.types.ChannelOptions
hasNext() - Method in class io.ably.lib.http.AsyncHttpPaginatedQuery.AsyncHttpPaginatedResult
hasNext() - Method in class io.ably.lib.http.HttpPaginatedQuery.HttpPaginatedResult
hasNext() - Method in class io.ably.lib.types.AsyncHttpPaginatedResponse
hasNext() - Method in interface io.ably.lib.types.AsyncPaginatedResult
Returns true if there are more pages available by calling next and returns false if this page is the last page available.
hasNext() - Method in interface io.ably.lib.types.BasePaginatedResult
hasNext() - Method in class io.ably.lib.types.HttpPaginatedResponse
hasNext() - Method in interface io.ably.lib.types.PaginatedResult
Returns true if there are more pages available by calling next and returns false if this page is the last page available.
hasParams() - Method in class io.ably.lib.types.ChannelOptions
headers - Variable in class io.ably.lib.http.HttpCore.Response
headers - Variable in class io.ably.lib.types.AsyncHttpPaginatedResponse
headers - Variable in class io.ably.lib.types.ClientOptions
FIXME: unused
headers - Variable in class io.ably.lib.types.HttpPaginatedResponse
The headers of the response.
Headers() - Constructor for class io.ably.lib.http.HttpConstants.Headers
heartbeat - Enum constant in enum class io.ably.lib.types.ProtocolMessage.Action
heartbeats - Variable in class io.ably.lib.transport.ITransport.TransportParams
history(Param[]) - Method in class io.ably.lib.realtime.ChannelBase
Retrieves a PaginatedResult object, containing an array of historical Message objects for the channel.
history(Param[]) - Method in class io.ably.lib.realtime.Presence
Retrieves a PaginatedResult object, containing an array of historical PresenceMessage objects for the channel.
history(Param[]) - Method in class
Obtain recent history for this channel using the REST API.
history(Param[]) - Method in class
Retrieves a PaginatedResult object, containing an array of historical PresenceMessage objects for the channel.
historyAsync(Param[], Callback<AsyncPaginatedResult<Message>>) - Method in class io.ably.lib.realtime.ChannelBase
Asynchronously retrieves a PaginatedResult object, containing an array of historical Message objects for the channel.
historyAsync(Param[], Callback<AsyncPaginatedResult<Message>>) - Method in class
Asynchronously obtain recent history for this channel using the REST API.
historyAsync(Param[], Callback<AsyncPaginatedResult<PresenceMessage>>) - Method in class io.ably.lib.realtime.Presence
Asynchronously retrieves a PaginatedResult object, containing an array of historical PresenceMessage objects for the channel.
historyAsync(Param[], Callback<AsyncPaginatedResult<PresenceMessage>>) - Method in class
Asynchronously retrieves a PaginatedResult object, containing an array of historical PresenceMessage objects for the channel.
host - Variable in class io.ably.lib.transport.ITransport.TransportParams
host - Variable in class io.ably.lib.types.ProxyOptions
HOST_FALLBACKS - Static variable in class io.ably.lib.transport.Defaults
HOST_REALTIME - Static variable in class io.ably.lib.transport.Defaults
HOST_REST - Static variable in class io.ably.lib.transport.Defaults
Hosts - Class in io.ably.lib.transport
Object to encapsulate primary host name and shuffled fallback host names.
Hosts(String, String, ClientOptions) - Constructor for class io.ably.lib.transport.Hosts
Create Hosts object
hour - Enum constant in enum class io.ably.lib.types.Stats.Granularity
Interval unit over which statistics are gathered as hours.
href - Variable in class io.ably.lib.types.ErrorInfo
This is included for REST responses to provide a URL for additional help on the error code.
http - Variable in class
Http - Class in io.ably.lib.http
A high level wrapper of both a sync and an async HttpScheduler.
Http(AsyncHttpScheduler, SyncHttpScheduler) - Constructor for class io.ably.lib.http.Http
HTTP_ASYNC_THREADPOOL_SIZE - Static variable in class io.ably.lib.transport.Defaults
HTTP_MAX_RETRY_COUNT - Static variable in class io.ably.lib.transport.Defaults
Http.Execute<Result> - Interface in io.ably.lib.http
Http.Request<Result> - Class in io.ably.lib.http
HttpAuth - Class in io.ably.lib.http
HttpAuth.Type - Enum Class in io.ably.lib.http
httpBodyHandler - Static variable in class io.ably.lib.push.PushBase.ChannelSubscription
httpBodyHandler - Static variable in class
httpBodyHandler - Static variable in class io.ably.lib.util.Serialisation
httpBodyHandler - Static variable in class io.ably.lib.util.StringUtils
HttpBodyHandler() - Constructor for class io.ably.lib.util.Serialisation.HttpBodyHandler
If the target type extends JsonElement, we don't need to convert JsonElements to it.
HttpBodyHandler(Class<T[]>, Serialisation.FromJsonElement<T>) - Constructor for class io.ably.lib.util.Serialisation.HttpBodyHandler
HttpConstants - Class in io.ably.lib.http
HttpConstants() - Constructor for class io.ably.lib.http.HttpConstants
HttpConstants.ContentTypes - Class in io.ably.lib.http
HttpConstants.Headers - Class in io.ably.lib.http
HttpConstants.Methods - Class in io.ably.lib.http
httpCore - Variable in class
HttpCore - Class in io.ably.lib.http
HttpCore performs authenticated HTTP synchronously.
HttpCore(ClientOptions, Auth, PlatformAgentProvider) - Constructor for class io.ably.lib.http.HttpCore
Public API
HttpCore.AuthRequiredException - Exception in io.ably.lib.http
Exception signifying that an httpCore request failed with a WWW-Authenticate response
HttpCore.BodyHandler<T> - Interface in io.ably.lib.http
Interface for an entity that performs type-specific processing on an httpCore response body
HttpCore.RequestBody - Interface in io.ably.lib.http
Interface for an entity that supplies an httpCore request body
HttpCore.Response - Class in io.ably.lib.http
A type encapsulating an httpCore response
HttpCore.ResponseHandler<T> - Interface in io.ably.lib.http
Interface for an entity that performs type-specific processing on an httpCore response
httpExecute(HttpCore, URL, String, Param[], HttpCore.RequestBody, HttpCore.ResponseHandler<T>) - Static method in class io.ably.lib.http.HttpHelpers
Make a synchronous HTTP request to non-Ably endpoint, specified by URL and using the configured proxy, if any
httpExecute(URL, String, Param[], HttpCore.RequestBody, boolean, HttpCore.ResponseHandler<T>) - Method in class io.ably.lib.http.HttpCore
Make a synchronous HTTP request specified by URL and proxy
httpExecute(URL, String, Param[], HttpCore.RequestBody, HttpCore.ResponseHandler<T>, Callback<T>) - Method in class io.ably.lib.http.HttpScheduler
Make an asynchronous HTTP request to a given URL
httpExecuteWithRetry(URL, String, Param[], HttpCore.RequestBody, HttpCore.ResponseHandler<T>, boolean) - Method in class io.ably.lib.http.HttpCore
Make a synchronous HTTP request specified by URL and proxy, retrying if necessary on WWW-Authenticate
HttpHelpers - Class in io.ably.lib.http
HttpHelpers() - Constructor for class io.ably.lib.http.HttpHelpers
httpListener - Variable in class io.ably.lib.debug.DebugOptions
httpMaxRetryCount - Variable in class io.ably.lib.types.ClientOptions
The maximum number of fallback hosts to use as a fallback when an HTTP request to the primary host is unreachable or indicates that it is unserviceable.
httpMaxRetryDuration - Static variable in class io.ably.lib.transport.Defaults
httpMaxRetryDuration - Variable in class io.ably.lib.types.ClientOptions
Denotes elapsed time in which fallback host retries for HTTP requests will be attempted.
httpOpenTimeout - Variable in class io.ably.lib.types.ClientOptions
Timeout for opening a connection to Ably to initiate an HTTP request.
HttpPaginatedQuery - Class in io.ably.lib.http
HttpPaginatedQuery(Http, String, String, Param[], Param[], HttpCore.RequestBody) - Constructor for class io.ably.lib.http.HttpPaginatedQuery
HttpPaginatedQuery.HttpPaginatedResult - Class in io.ably.lib.http
HttpPaginatedResponse - Class in io.ably.lib.types
A superset of PaginatedResult which represents a page of results plus metadata indicating the relative queries available to it.
HttpPaginatedResponse() - Constructor for class io.ably.lib.types.HttpPaginatedResponse
httpRequestTimeout - Variable in class io.ably.lib.types.ClientOptions
Timeout for a client performing a complete HTTP request to Ably, including the connection phase.
httpResponseHandler - Static variable in class io.ably.lib.push.PushBase.ChannelSubscription
httpResponseHandler - Static variable in class
httpResponseHandler - Static variable in class io.ably.lib.util.Serialisation
httpResponseHandler - Static variable in class io.ably.lib.util.StringUtils
HttpResponseHandler() - Constructor for class io.ably.lib.util.Serialisation.HttpResponseHandler
If the target type extends JsonElement, we don't need to convert JsonElements to it.
HttpResponseHandler(Class<T>, Serialisation.FromJsonElement<T>) - Constructor for class io.ably.lib.util.Serialisation.HttpResponseHandler
HttpScheduler - Class in io.ably.lib.http
HttpScheduler schedules HttpCore operations to an Executor, exposing a generic async API.
HttpScheduler(HttpCore, CloseableExecutor) - Constructor for class io.ably.lib.http.HttpScheduler
HttpUtils - Class in io.ably.lib.http
HttpUtils: utility methods for Http operations Internal
HttpUtils() - Constructor for class io.ably.lib.http.HttpUtils
HttpUtils.ByteArrayRequestBody - Class in io.ably.lib.http
A RequestBody wrapping a byte array
HttpUtils.FormRequestBody - Class in io.ably.lib.http
HttpUtils.JsonRequestBody - Class in io.ably.lib.http
A RequestBody wrapping a JSON-serialisable object


i(String, String) - Static method in class io.ably.lib.util.Log
i(String, String, Throwable) - Static method in class io.ably.lib.util.Log
id - Variable in class io.ably.lib.realtime.Connection
A unique public identifier for this connection, used to identify this member.
id - Variable in class
A unique ID generated by the device.
id - Variable in class io.ably.lib.types.BaseMessage
A Unique ID assigned by Ably to this message.
id - Variable in class io.ably.lib.types.ProtocolMessage
idempotentRestPublishing - Variable in class io.ably.lib.types.ClientOptions
When true, enables idempotent publishing by assigning a unique message ID client-side, allowing the Ably servers to discard automatic publish retries following a failure such as a network fault.
inbound - Variable in class io.ably.lib.types.Stats
A Stats.MessageTypes object containing the aggregate count of inbound message stats.
indexParams(Param[]) - Static method in class io.ably.lib.http.HttpUtils
INFO - Static variable in class io.ably.lib.util.Log
Priority constant; use Log.i.
initialized - Enum constant in enum class io.ably.lib.realtime.ChannelEvent
initialized - Enum constant in enum class io.ably.lib.realtime.ChannelState
The channel has been initialized but no attach has yet been attempted.
initialized - Enum constant in enum class io.ably.lib.realtime.ConnectionEvent
initialized - Enum constant in enum class io.ably.lib.realtime.ConnectionState
A connection with this state has been initialized but no connection has yet been attempted.
injectDynamicAgents(Map<String, String>) - Method in class io.ably.lib.http.HttpCore
[Internal Method]
inProgress - Variable in class io.ably.lib.types.Stats
INSTANCE - Static variable in class io.ably.lib.util.CurrentThreadExecutor
InternalMap<K,V> - Class in io.ably.lib.util
A map implemented using a ConcurrentHashMap.
InternalMap() - Constructor for class io.ably.lib.util.InternalMap
intervalId - Variable in class io.ably.lib.types.Stats
The UTC time at which the time period covered begins.
io.ably.annotation - package io.ably.annotation
io.ably.lib - package io.ably.lib
io.ably.lib.debug - package io.ably.lib.debug
io.ably.lib.http - package io.ably.lib.http
io.ably.lib.platform - package io.ably.lib.platform
io.ably.lib.push - package io.ably.lib.push
io.ably.lib.realtime - package io.ably.lib.realtime - package
io.ably.lib.transport - package io.ably.lib.transport
io.ably.lib.types - package io.ably.lib.types
io.ably.lib.util - package io.ably.lib.util
isActive() - Method in class io.ably.lib.transport.ConnectionManager
isEmpty() - Method in class io.ably.lib.transport.NetworkConnectivity
isEmpty() - Method in interface io.ably.lib.types.ReadOnlyMap
isEmpty() - Method in class io.ably.lib.util.InternalMap
isEmpty() - Method in class io.ably.lib.util.Multicaster
isLast() - Method in class io.ably.lib.http.HttpPaginatedQuery.HttpPaginatedResult
isLast() - Method in interface io.ably.lib.types.BasePaginatedResult
isLast() - Method in class io.ably.lib.types.HttpPaginatedResponse
isLast() - Method in interface io.ably.lib.types.PaginatedResult
Returns true if this page is the last page and returns false if there are more pages available by calling next available.
isNullOrEmpty(String) - Static method in class io.ably.lib.util.StringUtils
isReattachable() - Method in enum class io.ably.lib.realtime.ChannelState
issued - Variable in class
The timestamp at which this token was issued as milliseconds since the Unix epoch.
items() - Method in class io.ably.lib.http.AsyncHttpPaginatedQuery.AsyncHttpPaginatedResult
items() - Method in class io.ably.lib.http.HttpPaginatedQuery.HttpPaginatedResult
items() - Method in class io.ably.lib.types.AsyncHttpPaginatedResponse
Get the contents as an array of component type
items() - Method in interface io.ably.lib.types.AsyncPaginatedResult
Contains the current page of results; for example, an array of Message or PresenceMessage objects for a channel history request.
items() - Method in interface io.ably.lib.types.BasePaginatedResult
Get the contents as an array of component type
items() - Method in class io.ably.lib.types.HttpPaginatedResponse
Contains a page of results; for example, an array of Message or PresenceMessage objects for a channel history request.
items() - Method in interface io.ably.lib.types.PaginatedResult
Contains the current page of results; for example, an array of Message or PresenceMessage objects for a channel history request.
ITransport - Interface in io.ably.lib.transport
ITransport.ConnectListener - Interface in io.ably.lib.transport
ITransport.Factory - Interface in io.ably.lib.transport
ITransport.Mode - Enum Class in io.ably.lib.transport
ITransport.TransportParams - Class in io.ably.lib.transport


JavaPlatformAgentProvider - Class in io.ably.lib.util
JavaPlatformAgentProvider() - Constructor for class io.ably.lib.util.JavaPlatformAgentProvider
JSON - Static variable in class io.ably.lib.http.HttpConstants.ContentTypes
jsonBytesToGson(byte[]) - Static method in class io.ably.lib.util.Serialisation
jsonBytesToGson(byte[], Class<T>) - Static method in class io.ably.lib.util.Serialisation
JsonRequestBody(Object) - Constructor for class io.ably.lib.http.HttpUtils.JsonRequestBody
JsonRequestBody(String) - Constructor for class io.ably.lib.http.HttpUtils.JsonRequestBody
JsonUtils - Class in io.ably.lib.util
JsonUtils() - Constructor for class io.ably.lib.util.JsonUtils
JsonUtils.JsonUtilsObject - Class in io.ably.lib.util


key - Variable in class io.ably.lib.realtime.Connection
A unique private connection key used to recover or resume a connection, assigned by Ably.
key - Variable in class
The full API key string, as obtained from the Ably dashboard.
key - Variable in class io.ably.lib.types.Param
keyName - Variable in class
The name of the key against which this request is made.
keySet() - Method in interface io.ably.lib.types.ReadOnlyMap
keySet() - Method in class io.ably.lib.util.InternalMap


leave - Enum constant in enum class io.ably.lib.types.PresenceMessage.Action
A member who was present has now left the channel.
leave(CompletionListener) - Method in class io.ably.lib.realtime.Presence
Leaves the presence set for the channel.
leave(Object, CompletionListener) - Method in class io.ably.lib.realtime.Presence
Leaves the presence set for the channel.
leaveClient(String) - Method in class io.ably.lib.realtime.Presence
Leaves the presence set of the channel for a given clientId.
leaveClient(String, Object) - Method in class io.ably.lib.realtime.Presence
Leaves the presence set of the channel for a given clientId.
leaveClient(String, Object, CompletionListener) - Method in class io.ably.lib.realtime.Presence
Leaves the presence set of the channel for a given clientId.
level - Static variable in class io.ably.lib.util.Log
LIBRARY_NAME - Static variable in class io.ably.lib.BuildConfig
LINK - Static variable in class io.ably.lib.http.HttpConstants.Headers
linkPattern - Static variable in class io.ably.lib.http.BasePaginatedQuery
list(Param[]) - Method in class io.ably.lib.push.PushBase.ChannelSubscriptions
Retrieves all push channel subscriptions matching the filter params provided.
list(Param[]) - Method in class io.ably.lib.push.PushBase.DeviceRegistrations
Retrieves all devices matching the filter params provided.
listAsync(Param[], Callback<AsyncPaginatedResult<PushBase.ChannelSubscription>>) - Method in class io.ably.lib.push.PushBase.ChannelSubscriptions
Asynchronously retrieves all push channel subscriptions matching the filter params provided.
listAsync(Param[], Callback<AsyncPaginatedResult<DeviceDetails>>) - Method in class io.ably.lib.push.PushBase.DeviceRegistrations
Asynchronously retrieves all devices matching the filter params provided.
listChannels(Param[]) - Method in class io.ably.lib.push.PushBase.ChannelSubscriptions
Retrieves all channels with at least one device subscribed to push notifications.
listChannelsAsync(Param[], Callback<AsyncPaginatedResult<String>>) - Method in class io.ably.lib.push.PushBase.ChannelSubscriptions
Asynchronously retrieves all channels with at least one device subscribed to push notifications.
listChannelsImpl(Param[]) - Method in class io.ably.lib.push.PushBase.ChannelSubscriptions
listener - Variable in class io.ably.lib.transport.ConnectionManager.QueuedMessage
listeners - Variable in class io.ably.lib.transport.NetworkConnectivity
listImpl(Param[]) - Method in class io.ably.lib.push.PushBase.ChannelSubscriptions
listImpl(Param[]) - Method in class io.ably.lib.push.PushBase.DeviceRegistrations
localStorage - Variable in class io.ably.lib.types.ClientOptions
Custom Local Device storage.
Log - Class in io.ably.lib.util
Log() - Constructor for class io.ably.lib.util.Log
Log.DefaultHandler - Class in io.ably.lib.util
Default log handler class that sends output to System.out.
Log.LogHandler - Interface in io.ably.lib.util
logHandler - Variable in class io.ably.lib.types.ClientOptions
Controls the log output of the library.
logLevel - Variable in class io.ably.lib.types.ClientOptions
Controls the verbosity of the logs output from the library.


mac - Variable in class
The Message Authentication Code for this request.
map - Variable in class io.ably.lib.util.InternalMap
map(T) - Method in class io.ably.lib.types.Callback.Map
Map(Callback<U>) - Constructor for class io.ably.lib.types.Callback.Map
markAsReleased() - Method in class io.ably.lib.realtime.ChannelBase
Mark channel as released that means we can't perform any operation on this channel anymore
maxFrameSize - Variable in class io.ably.lib.types.ConnectionDetails
Overrides the default maxFrameSize.
maxIdleInterval - Static variable in class io.ably.lib.transport.Defaults
maxIdleInterval - Variable in class io.ably.lib.types.ConnectionDetails
The maximum length of time in milliseconds that the server will allow no activity to occur in the server to client direction.
maxInboundRate - Variable in class io.ably.lib.types.ConnectionDetails
The maximum allowable number of requests per second from a client or Ably.
maxMessageSize - Variable in class io.ably.lib.types.ConnectionDetails
The maximum message size is an attribute of an Ably account and enforced by Ably servers.
maxOutboundRate - Variable in class io.ably.lib.types.ConnectionDetails
mean - Variable in class io.ably.lib.types.Stats.ResourceCount
The average number of resources of this type used for this period.
memberKey() - Method in class io.ably.lib.types.PresenceMessage
Combines clientId and connectionId to ensure that multiple connected clients with an identical clientId are uniquely identifiable.
mergeHeaders(Param[], Param[]) - Static method in class io.ably.lib.http.HttpUtils
mergeParams(Map<String, Param>, Map<String, Param>) - Static method in class io.ably.lib.http.HttpUtils
message - Enum constant in enum class io.ably.lib.types.ProtocolMessage.Action
message - Variable in class io.ably.lib.types.ErrorInfo
Additional message information, where available.
Message - Class in io.ably.lib.types
Contains an individual message that is sent to, or received from, Ably.
Message() - Constructor for class io.ably.lib.types.Message
Default constructor
Message(String, Object) - Constructor for class io.ably.lib.types.Message
Construct a Message object with an event name and payload.
Message(String, Object, MessageExtras) - Constructor for class io.ably.lib.types.Message
Construct a Message object with an event name, payload, and a extras.
Message(String, Object, String) - Constructor for class io.ably.lib.types.Message
Construct a Message object with an event name, payload, and a unique client ID.
Message(String, Object, String, MessageExtras) - Constructor for class io.ably.lib.types.Message
Construct a Message object with an event name, payload, extras, and a unique client ID.
MESSAGE_CREATE - Enum constant in enum class io.ably.lib.types.MessageAction
MESSAGE_DELETE - Enum constant in enum class io.ably.lib.types.MessageAction
MESSAGE_SUMMARY - Enum constant in enum class io.ably.lib.types.MessageAction
MESSAGE_UPDATE - Enum constant in enum class io.ably.lib.types.MessageAction
Message.Batch - Class in io.ably.lib.types
Message.Operation - Class in io.ably.lib.types
Message.Serializer - Class in io.ably.lib.types
MessageAction - Enum Class in io.ably.lib.types
MessageCategory() - Constructor for class io.ably.lib.types.Stats.MessageCategory
MessageCount() - Constructor for class io.ably.lib.types.Stats.MessageCount
MessageDecodeException - Exception in io.ably.lib.types
Special AblyException for message decoding problems
MessageExtras - Class in io.ably.lib.types
MessageExtras(JsonObject) - Constructor for class io.ably.lib.types.MessageExtras
Creates a MessageExtras instance to be sent as extra with a Message to Ably's servers.
MessageExtras.Serializer - Class in io.ably.lib.types
messageId - Variable in class io.ably.lib.types.PublishResponse
The unique ID for a successfully published message.
messages - Variable in class io.ably.lib.types.Message.Batch
An array of Message objects to publish.
messages - Variable in class io.ably.lib.types.ProtocolMessage
messages - Variable in class io.ably.lib.types.Stats.MessageTypes
A Stats.MessageCount object containing the count and byte value of messages.
messages - Variable in class io.ably.lib.types.Stats.PushedMessages
Total number of push messages.
MessageSerializer - Class in io.ably.lib.types
MessageReader: internal Utility class to convert response bodies in different formats to Message and Message arrays.
MessageSerializer() - Constructor for class io.ably.lib.types.MessageSerializer
MessageTraffic() - Constructor for class io.ably.lib.types.Stats.MessageTraffic
MessageTypes() - Constructor for class io.ably.lib.types.Stats.MessageTypes
META_OCCUPANCY - Enum constant in enum class io.ably.lib.types.MessageAction
metadata - Variable in class
A JSON object of key-value pairs that contains metadata for the device.
metadata - Variable in class io.ably.lib.types.Message.Operation
Methods() - Constructor for class io.ably.lib.http.HttpConstants.Methods
mimeTypes - Static variable in class io.ably.lib.http.HttpUtils
min - Variable in class io.ably.lib.types.Stats.ResourceCount
The minimum total resources of this type used for this period.
minute - Enum constant in enum class io.ably.lib.types.Stats.Granularity
Interval unit over which statistics are gathered as minutes.
mode - Variable in class io.ably.lib.transport.ITransport.TransportParams
modes - Variable in class io.ably.lib.types.ChannelOptions
An array of ChannelMode objects.
month - Enum constant in enum class io.ably.lib.types.Stats.Granularity
Interval unit over which statistics are gathered as months.
msg - Variable in class io.ably.lib.transport.ConnectionManager.QueuedMessage
msgpackPackerConfig - Static variable in class io.ably.lib.util.Serialisation
msgpackToGson(byte[]) - Static method in class io.ably.lib.util.Serialisation
msgpackToGson(Value) - Static method in class io.ably.lib.util.Serialisation
msgpackUnpackerConfig - Static variable in class io.ably.lib.util.Serialisation
msgSerial - Variable in class io.ably.lib.transport.ConnectionManager
msgSerial - Variable in class io.ably.lib.types.ProtocolMessage
Multicaster<T> - Class in io.ably.lib.util
Collection of members who are listeners, with methods that are safe to be called from any thread.
Multicaster() - Constructor for class io.ably.lib.realtime.ChannelStateListener.Multicaster
Multicaster() - Constructor for class io.ably.lib.realtime.ConnectionStateListener.Multicaster
Multicaster(CompletionListener...) - Constructor for class io.ably.lib.realtime.CompletionListener.Multicaster
Multicaster(T...) - Constructor for class io.ably.lib.util.Multicaster


nack - Enum constant in enum class io.ably.lib.types.ProtocolMessage.Action
name - Static variable in class io.ably.lib.platform.Platform
name - Variable in class io.ably.lib.realtime.ChannelBase
The channel name.
name - Variable in class
The Channel name
name - Variable in class io.ably.lib.types.Message
The event name.
NetworkConnectivity - Class in io.ably.lib.transport
NetworkConnectivity() - Constructor for class io.ably.lib.transport.NetworkConnectivity
NetworkConnectivity.DefaultNetworkConnectivity - Class in io.ably.lib.transport
NetworkConnectivity.DelegatedNetworkConnectivity - Class in io.ably.lib.transport
NetworkConnectivity.NetworkConnectivityListener - Interface in io.ably.lib.transport
next() - Method in class io.ably.lib.http.HttpPaginatedQuery.HttpPaginatedResult
next() - Method in interface io.ably.lib.types.BasePaginatedResult
next() - Method in class io.ably.lib.types.HttpPaginatedResponse
next() - Method in interface io.ably.lib.types.PaginatedResult
Returns a new PaginatedResult loaded with the next page of results.
next(AsyncHttpPaginatedResponse.Callback) - Method in class io.ably.lib.http.AsyncHttpPaginatedQuery.AsyncHttpPaginatedResult
next(AsyncHttpPaginatedResponse.Callback) - Method in class io.ably.lib.types.AsyncHttpPaginatedResponse
next(Callback<AsyncPaginatedResult<T>>) - Method in interface io.ably.lib.types.AsyncPaginatedResult
Returns a new PaginatedResult loaded with the next page of results.
nonce - Variable in class
A cryptographically secure random string of at least 16 characters, used to ensure the TokenRequest cannot be reused.
NONE - Static variable in class io.ably.lib.util.Log
Priority constant to suppress all logging.
nonProxyHosts - Variable in class io.ably.lib.types.ProxyOptions
NonRetriableTokenException - Interface in io.ably.lib.types
Implement this marker interface in your exception class if the token auth operation should not be retried.
notifications - Variable in class io.ably.lib.types.Stats.PushedMessages
The count of push notifications.
notifyNetworkAvailable() - Method in class io.ably.lib.transport.NetworkConnectivity
notifyNetworkUnavailable(ErrorInfo) - Method in class io.ably.lib.transport.NetworkConnectivity


object() - Static method in class io.ably.lib.util.JsonUtils
off() - Method in class io.ably.lib.util.EventEmitter
Deregisters all registrations, for all events and listeners.
off(Event, Listener) - Method in class io.ably.lib.util.EventEmitter
Removes all registrations that match both the specified listener and the specified event.
off(Listener) - Method in class io.ably.lib.util.EventEmitter
Deregisters the specified listener.
on(Event, Listener) - Method in class io.ably.lib.util.EventEmitter
Registers the provided listener for the specified event.
on(ChannelState, ChannelStateListener) - Method in class io.ably.lib.realtime.ChannelBase
on(ConnectionState, ConnectionStateListener) - Method in class io.ably.lib.realtime.Connection
on(Listener) - Method in class io.ably.lib.util.EventEmitter
Registers the provided listener all events.
onAuthError(ErrorInfo) - Method in class io.ably.lib.realtime.AblyRealtime
Authentication error occurred
onAuthError(ErrorInfo) - Method in class
Authentication error occurred
onAuthError(ErrorInfo) - Method in class
onAuthError(ErrorInfo) - Method in class io.ably.lib.transport.ConnectionManager
Called when where was an error during authentication attempt
onAuthUpdated(String, boolean) - Method in class io.ably.lib.realtime.AblyRealtime
Authentication token has changed.
onAuthUpdated(String, boolean) - Method in class
Override this method in AblyRealtime and pass updated token to ConnectionManager
onAuthUpdated(String, boolean) - Method in class io.ably.lib.transport.ConnectionManager
(RTC8) For a realtime client, Auth.authorize instructs the library to obtain a token using the provided tokenParams and authOptions and upgrade the current connection to use that token; or if not currently connected, to connect with the token.
onAuthUpdatedAsync(String, Auth.AuthUpdateResult) - Method in class io.ably.lib.realtime.AblyRealtime
Authentication token has changed.
onAuthUpdatedAsync(String, Auth.AuthUpdateResult) - Method in class
Override this method in AblyRealtime and pass updated token to ConnectionManager
onAuthUpdatedAsync(String, Auth.AuthUpdateResult) - Method in class io.ably.lib.transport.ConnectionManager
Async version of onAuthUpdated that returns a Future that includes an option Ably exception
once(Event, Listener) - Method in class io.ably.lib.util.EventEmitter
Registers the provided listener for the first occurrence of a single named event specified as the Event argument.
once(ChannelState, ChannelStateListener) - Method in class io.ably.lib.realtime.ChannelBase
once(ConnectionState, ConnectionStateListener) - Method in class io.ably.lib.realtime.Connection
once(Listener) - Method in class io.ably.lib.util.EventEmitter
Registers the provided listener for the first event that is emitted.
onChannelStateChanged(ChannelStateListener.ChannelStateChange) - Method in class io.ably.lib.realtime.ChannelStateListener.Filter
onChannelStateChanged(ChannelStateListener.ChannelStateChange) - Method in class io.ably.lib.realtime.ChannelStateListener.Multicaster
onChannelStateChanged(ChannelStateListener.ChannelStateChange) - Method in interface io.ably.lib.realtime.ChannelStateListener
Called when channel state changes.
onClientIdSet(String) - Method in class
clientId set by late initialisation
onCompletion(boolean, Auth.TokenDetails, ErrorInfo) - Method in interface
Signals completion of Auth.renewAuth(RenewAuthResult)
onConnectionStateChange(ConnectionStateListener.ConnectionStateChange) - Method in class io.ably.lib.realtime.Connection
onConnectionStateChanged(ConnectionStateListener.ConnectionStateChange) - Method in class io.ably.lib.realtime.ConnectionStateListener.Filter
onConnectionStateChanged(ConnectionStateListener.ConnectionStateChange) - Method in class io.ably.lib.realtime.ConnectionStateListener.Multicaster
onConnectionStateChanged(ConnectionStateListener.ConnectionStateChange) - Method in interface io.ably.lib.realtime.ConnectionStateListener
Called when connection state changes.
onEmpty() - Method in class io.ably.lib.transport.NetworkConnectivity
onError(ErrorInfo) - Method in class io.ably.lib.realtime.CompletionListener.FromCallback
onError(ErrorInfo) - Method in class io.ably.lib.realtime.CompletionListener.Multicaster
onError(ErrorInfo) - Method in interface io.ably.lib.realtime.CompletionListener
Called when the associated operation completes with an error.
onError(ErrorInfo) - Method in class io.ably.lib.realtime.CompletionListener.ToCallback
onError(ErrorInfo) - Method in interface io.ably.lib.types.AsyncHttpPaginatedResponse.Callback
Called when the associated operation completes with an error.
onError(ErrorInfo) - Method in class io.ably.lib.types.Callback.Map
onError(ErrorInfo) - Method in interface io.ably.lib.types.Callback
Called when the associated operation completes with an error.
onMessage(ITransport, ProtocolMessage) - Method in class io.ably.lib.transport.ConnectionManager
React on message from the transport
onMessage(Message) - Method in interface io.ably.lib.realtime.ChannelBase.MessageListener
onMessage(ProtocolMessage) - Method in interface io.ably.lib.transport.ConnectionManager.Channels
onNetworkAvailable() - Method in class io.ably.lib.transport.NetworkConnectivity.DelegatedNetworkConnectivity
onNetworkAvailable() - Method in interface io.ably.lib.transport.NetworkConnectivity.NetworkConnectivityListener
onNetworkUnavailable(ErrorInfo) - Method in class io.ably.lib.transport.NetworkConnectivity.DelegatedNetworkConnectivity
onNetworkUnavailable(ErrorInfo) - Method in interface io.ably.lib.transport.NetworkConnectivity.NetworkConnectivityListener
onNonempty() - Method in class io.ably.lib.transport.NetworkConnectivity
onPresenceMessage(PresenceMessage) - Method in interface io.ably.lib.realtime.Presence.PresenceListener
onRawConnect(String) - Method in interface io.ably.lib.debug.DebugOptions.RawProtocolListener
onRawConnectRequested(String) - Method in interface io.ably.lib.debug.DebugOptions.RawProtocolListener
onRawHttpException(String, String, Throwable) - Method in interface io.ably.lib.debug.DebugOptions.RawHttpListener
onRawHttpRequest(String, HttpRequest, String, Map<String, List<String>>, HttpCore.RequestBody) - Method in interface io.ably.lib.debug.DebugOptions.RawHttpListener
onRawHttpResponse(String, String, HttpCore.Response) - Method in interface io.ably.lib.debug.DebugOptions.RawHttpListener
onRawMessageRecv(ProtocolMessage) - Method in interface io.ably.lib.debug.DebugOptions.RawProtocolListener
onRawMessageSend(ProtocolMessage) - Method in interface io.ably.lib.debug.DebugOptions.RawProtocolListener
onResponse(AsyncHttpPaginatedResponse) - Method in interface io.ably.lib.types.AsyncHttpPaginatedResponse.Callback
Called when the associated request completes with an Http response,
onSuccess() - Method in class io.ably.lib.realtime.CompletionListener.FromCallback
onSuccess() - Method in class io.ably.lib.realtime.CompletionListener.Multicaster
onSuccess() - Method in interface io.ably.lib.realtime.CompletionListener
Called when the associated operation completes successfully.
onSuccess(Void) - Method in class io.ably.lib.realtime.CompletionListener.ToCallback
onSuccess(T) - Method in class io.ably.lib.types.Callback.Map
onSuccess(T) - Method in interface io.ably.lib.types.Callback
Called when the associated operation completes successfully,
onTransportAvailable(ITransport) - Method in class io.ably.lib.transport.ConnectionManager
onTransportAvailable(ITransport) - Method in interface io.ably.lib.transport.ITransport.ConnectListener
onTransportUnavailable(ITransport, ErrorInfo) - Method in class io.ably.lib.transport.ConnectionManager
onTransportUnavailable(ITransport, ErrorInfo) - Method in interface io.ably.lib.transport.ITransport.ConnectListener
onUpdate(boolean, ErrorInfo) - Method in interface
opened - Variable in class io.ably.lib.types.Stats.ResourceCount
The total number of resources opened of this type.
operation - Variable in class io.ably.lib.types.Message
(TM2n) operation object – data object that may contain the `optional` attributes.
Operation() - Constructor for class io.ably.lib.types.Message.Operation
options - Variable in class
options - Variable in class io.ably.lib.transport.ITransport.TransportParams
outbound - Variable in class io.ably.lib.types.Stats
A Stats.MessageTypes object containing the aggregate count of outbound message stats.


PaginatedQuery<T> - Class in io.ably.lib.http
An object that encapsulates parameters of a REST query with a paginated response
PaginatedQuery(Http, String, Param[], Param[], HttpCore.BodyHandler<T>) - Constructor for class io.ably.lib.http.PaginatedQuery
Construct a PaginatedQuery
PaginatedQuery(Http, String, Param[], Param[], HttpCore.RequestBody, HttpCore.BodyHandler<T>) - Constructor for class io.ably.lib.http.PaginatedQuery
Construct a PaginatedQuery
PaginatedResult<T> - Interface in io.ably.lib.types
Contains a page of results for message or presence history, stats, or REST presence requests.
Param - Class in io.ably.lib.types
A class encapsulating a key/value pair
Param(String, Object) - Constructor for class io.ably.lib.types.Param
Param(String, String) - Constructor for class io.ably.lib.types.Param
params - Variable in class io.ably.lib.types.ChannelOptions
Channel Parameters that configure the behavior of the channel.
params - Variable in class io.ably.lib.types.ProtocolMessage
ParamsUtils - Class in io.ably.lib.util
ParamsUtils() - Constructor for class io.ably.lib.util.ParamsUtils
parseLinks(Collection<String>) - Static method in class io.ably.lib.http.BasePaginatedQuery
parseUrl(String) - Static method in class io.ably.lib.http.HttpUtils
password - Variable in class io.ably.lib.types.ProxyOptions
patch(String, Param[], Param[], HttpCore.RequestBody, HttpCore.ResponseHandler<T>, boolean, Callback<T>) - Method in class io.ably.lib.http.HttpScheduler
Async HTTP PATCH for Ably host, with fallbacks
PATCH - Static variable in class io.ably.lib.http.HttpConstants.Methods
peak - Variable in class io.ably.lib.types.Stats.ResourceCount
The peak number of resources of this type used for this period.
persisted - Variable in class io.ably.lib.types.Stats
A Stats.MessageTypes object containing the aggregate count of persisted message stats.
ping(CompletionListener) - Method in class io.ably.lib.realtime.Connection
When connected, sends a heartbeat ping to the Ably server and executes the callback with any error and the response time in milliseconds when a heartbeat ping request is echoed from the server.
ping(CompletionListener) - Method in class io.ably.lib.transport.ConnectionManager
ping API
plain - Variable in class io.ably.lib.types.Stats.ConnectionTypes
A Stats.ResourceCount object containing a breakdown of usage by scope over non-TLS connections.
platform - Variable in class
platform - Variable in class
The platform associated with the device.
Platform - Class in io.ably.lib.platform
Platform() - Constructor for class io.ably.lib.platform.Platform
platformAgentProvider - Variable in class
PlatformAgentProvider - Interface in io.ably.lib.util
port - Variable in class io.ably.lib.http.HttpCore
port - Variable in class io.ably.lib.transport.ITransport.TransportParams
port - Variable in class io.ably.lib.types.ClientOptions
Enables a non-default Ably port to be specified.
port - Variable in class io.ably.lib.types.ProxyOptions
PORT - Static variable in class io.ably.lib.transport.Defaults
post(String, Param[], Param[], HttpCore.RequestBody, HttpCore.ResponseHandler<T>, boolean, Callback<T>) - Method in class io.ably.lib.http.HttpScheduler
Async HTTP POST for Ably host, with fallbacks
POST - Static variable in class io.ably.lib.http.HttpConstants.Methods
postSync(Http, String, Param[], Param[], HttpCore.RequestBody, HttpCore.ResponseHandler<T>, boolean) - Static method in class io.ably.lib.http.HttpHelpers
postUri(HttpCore, String, Param[], Param[], Param[], HttpCore.ResponseHandler<T>) - Static method in class io.ably.lib.http.HttpHelpers
HTTP POST with data in form encoding for non-Ably host
prefAuthType - Variable in class io.ably.lib.types.ProxyOptions
preProcessReceivedMessage(ProtocolMessage) - Method in class io.ably.lib.transport.WebSocketTransport
presence - Enum constant in enum class io.ably.lib.types.ChannelMode
The client can enter the presence set.
presence - Enum constant in enum class io.ably.lib.types.ProtocolMessage.Action
presence - Enum constant in enum class io.ably.lib.types.ProtocolMessage.Flag
presence - Variable in class io.ably.lib.realtime.ChannelBase
A Presence object.
presence - Variable in class
The presence instance for this channel.
presence - Variable in class io.ably.lib.types.ProtocolMessage
presence - Variable in class io.ably.lib.types.Stats.MessageTypes
A Stats.MessageCount object containing the count and byte value of presence messages.
Presence - Class in io.ably.lib.realtime
Enables the presence set to be entered and subscribed to, and the historic presence set to be retrieved for a channel.
Presence() - Constructor for class
presence_subscribe - Enum constant in enum class io.ably.lib.types.ChannelMode
The client can receive presence messages.
presence_subscribe - Enum constant in enum class io.ably.lib.types.ProtocolMessage.Flag
Presence.PresenceListener - Interface in io.ably.lib.realtime
An interface allowing a listener to be notified of arrival of a presence message.
PresenceMessage - Class in io.ably.lib.types
A class representing an individual presence update to be sent or received via the Ably Realtime service.
PresenceMessage() - Constructor for class io.ably.lib.types.PresenceMessage
Default constructor
PresenceMessage(PresenceMessage.Action, String) - Constructor for class io.ably.lib.types.PresenceMessage
Construct a PresenceMessage from an Action and clientId
PresenceMessage(PresenceMessage.Action, String, Object) - Constructor for class io.ably.lib.types.PresenceMessage
Generic constructor
PresenceMessage.Action - Enum Class in io.ably.lib.types
Describes the possible actions members in the presence set can emit.
PresenceMessage.ActionSerializer - Class in io.ably.lib.types
PresenceMessage.Serializer - Class in io.ably.lib.types
PresenceSerializer - Class in io.ably.lib.types
PresenceSerializer: internal Utility class to convert response bodies in different formats to PresenceMessage and PresenceMessage arrays.
PresenceSerializer() - Constructor for class io.ably.lib.types.PresenceSerializer
present - Enum constant in enum class io.ably.lib.types.PresenceMessage.Action
When subscribing to presence events on a channel that already has members present, this event is emitted for every member already present on the channel before the subscribe listener was registered.
previous - Variable in class io.ably.lib.realtime.ChannelStateListener.ChannelStateChange
The previous state.
previous - Variable in class io.ably.lib.realtime.ConnectionStateListener.ConnectionStateChange
The previous ConnectionState.
println(int, String, String, Throwable) - Method in class io.ably.lib.util.Log.DefaultHandler
println(int, String, String, Throwable) - Method in interface io.ably.lib.util.Log.LogHandler
println(PrintStream, int, String, String, Throwable) - Method in class io.ably.lib.util.Log.DefaultHandler
processAuthenticateHeaders(Map<HttpAuth.Type, String>) - Method in class io.ably.lib.http.HttpAuth
Process a challenge; this selects the auth type to use and caches all possible values based on the challenge in the case of digest auth
processed - Variable in class io.ably.lib.types.Stats
ProcessedCount() - Constructor for class io.ably.lib.types.Stats.ProcessedCount
ProcessedMessages() - Constructor for class io.ably.lib.types.Stats.ProcessedMessages
properties - Variable in class io.ably.lib.realtime.ChannelBase
protocolListener - Variable in class io.ably.lib.debug.DebugOptions
ProtocolMessage - Class in io.ably.lib.types
A message sent and received over the Realtime protocol.
ProtocolMessage() - Constructor for class io.ably.lib.types.ProtocolMessage
ProtocolMessage(ProtocolMessage.Action) - Constructor for class io.ably.lib.types.ProtocolMessage
ProtocolMessage(ProtocolMessage.Action, String) - Constructor for class io.ably.lib.types.ProtocolMessage
ProtocolMessage.Action - Enum Class in io.ably.lib.types
ProtocolMessage.ActionSerializer - Class in io.ably.lib.types
ProtocolMessage.AuthDetails - Class in io.ably.lib.types
Contains the token string used to authenticate a client with Ably.
ProtocolMessage.Flag - Enum Class in io.ably.lib.types
ProtocolSerializer - Class in io.ably.lib.types
ProtocolSerializer() - Constructor for class io.ably.lib.types.ProtocolSerializer
proxy - Variable in class io.ably.lib.types.ClientOptions
Proxy settings
PROXY_AUTHENTICATE - Static variable in class io.ably.lib.http.HttpConstants.Headers
PROXY_AUTHORIZATION - Static variable in class io.ably.lib.http.HttpConstants.Headers
proxyAuthChallenge - Variable in exception io.ably.lib.http.HttpCore.AuthRequiredException
ProxyOptions - Class in io.ably.lib.types
ProxyOptions() - Constructor for class io.ably.lib.types.ProxyOptions
publish - Enum constant in enum class io.ably.lib.types.ChannelMode
The client can publish messages.
publish - Enum constant in enum class io.ably.lib.types.ProtocolMessage.Flag
publish(Message) - Method in class io.ably.lib.realtime.ChannelBase
Publishes a message to the channel.
publish(Message[]) - Method in class io.ably.lib.realtime.ChannelBase
Publishes an array of messages to the channel.
publish(Message[]) - Method in class
Publish an array of messages on this channel.
publish(Message[], CompletionListener) - Method in class io.ably.lib.realtime.ChannelBase
Publishes an array of messages to the channel.
publish(Message, CompletionListener) - Method in class io.ably.lib.realtime.ChannelBase
Publishes a message to the channel.
publish(Param[], JsonObject) - Method in class io.ably.lib.push.PushBase.Admin
Sends a push notification directly to a device, or a group of devices sharing the same clientId.
publish(String, Object) - Method in class io.ably.lib.realtime.ChannelBase
Publishes a single message to the channel with the given event name and payload.
publish(String, Object) - Method in class
Publish a message on this channel using the REST API.
publish(String, Object, CompletionListener) - Method in class io.ably.lib.realtime.ChannelBase
Publishes a single message to the channel with the given event name and payload.
publishAsync(Message[], CompletionListener) - Method in class
Asynchronously publish an array of messages on this channel
publishAsync(Param[], JsonObject, CompletionListener) - Method in class io.ably.lib.push.PushBase.Admin
Asynchronously sends a push notification directly to a device, or a group of devices sharing the same clientId.
publishAsync(String, Object, CompletionListener) - Method in class
Publish a message on this channel using the REST API.
publishBatch(Message.Batch[], ChannelOptions) - Method in class
Publish an array of Message.Batch objects to one or more channels, up to a maximum of 100 channels.
publishBatch(Message.Batch[], ChannelOptions, Param[]) - Method in class
Publish an array of Message.Batch objects to one or more channels, up to a maximum of 100 channels.
publishBatchAsync(Message.Batch[], ChannelOptions, Callback<PublishResponse[]>) - Method in class
Asynchronously publish an array of Message.Batch objects to one or more channels, up to a maximum of 100 channels.
publishBatchAsync(Message.Batch[], ChannelOptions, Param[], Callback<PublishResponse[]>) - Method in class
Asynchronously publish an array of Message.Batch objects to one or more channels, up to a maximum of 100 channels.
PublishResponse - Class in io.ably.lib.types
Contains the responses from a PublishResponse PublishResponse#publish request.
PublishResponse() - Constructor for class io.ably.lib.types.PublishResponse
push - Variable in class
An Push object.
push - Variable in class
The DeviceDetails.Push object associated with the device.
push - Variable in class io.ably.lib.types.Stats
A Stats.PushedMessages object containing a breakdown of stats on push notifications.
push(Param[], Param) - Static method in class io.ably.lib.types.Param
push(Param[], String, String) - Static method in class io.ably.lib.types.Param
Push - Class in io.ably.lib.push
Enables a device to be registered and deregistered from receiving push notifications.
Push() - Constructor for class
Push(AblyBase) - Constructor for class io.ably.lib.push.Push
PushBase - Class in io.ably.lib.push
Enables a device to be registered and deregistered from receiving push notifications.
PushBase(AblyBase) - Constructor for class io.ably.lib.push.PushBase
PushBase.Admin - Class in io.ably.lib.push
PushBase.ChannelSubscription - Class in io.ably.lib.push
Contains the subscriptions of a device, or a group of devices sharing the same clientId, has to a channel in order to receive push notifications.
PushBase.ChannelSubscriptions - Class in io.ably.lib.push
Enables device push channel subscriptions.
PushBase.DeviceRegistrations - Class in io.ably.lib.push
Enables the management of push notification registrations with Ably.
PushedMessages() - Constructor for class io.ably.lib.types.Stats.PushedMessages
pushFullWait - Variable in class io.ably.lib.types.ClientOptions
Whether to tell Ably to wait for push REST requests to fully wait for all their effects before responding.
pushRecipientJsonObject() - Method in class
put(String, int) - Method in interface io.ably.lib.push.Storage
Put integer value in to storage
put(String, Param[], Param[], HttpCore.RequestBody, HttpCore.ResponseHandler<T>, boolean, Callback<T>) - Method in class io.ably.lib.http.HttpScheduler
Async HTTP PUT for Ably host, with fallbacks
put(String, String) - Method in interface io.ably.lib.push.Storage
Put string value in to storage
PUT - Static variable in class io.ably.lib.http.HttpConstants.Methods


queryTime - Variable in class
If true, the library queries the Ably servers for the current time when issuing Auth.TokenRequest instead of relying on a locally-available time of day.
QueuedMessage(ProtocolMessage, CompletionListener) - Constructor for class io.ably.lib.transport.ConnectionManager.QueuedMessage
queueEvents - Variable in class io.ably.lib.transport.ConnectionManager.State
queueMessages - Variable in class io.ably.lib.types.ClientOptions
If false, this disables the default behavior whereby the library queues messages on a connection in the disconnected or connecting states.


read(JsonObject) - Method in class io.ably.lib.types.BaseMessage
Populate fields from JSON.
read(JsonObject) - Static method in class io.ably.lib.types.Message.Operation
read(JsonObject) - Method in class io.ably.lib.types.Message
read(MessageUnpacker) - Static method in class io.ably.lib.types.Message.Operation
readInt(JsonObject, String) - Method in class io.ably.lib.types.BaseMessage
Read an optional numerical value.
readJson(byte[]) - Static method in class io.ably.lib.types.StatsReader
readJson(String) - Static method in class io.ably.lib.types.StatsReader
readLong(JsonObject, String) - Method in class io.ably.lib.types.BaseMessage
Read an optional numerical value.
readMessagesFromJson(byte[]) - Static method in class io.ably.lib.types.MessageSerializer
JSON decode
readMsgpack(byte[]) - Static method in class io.ably.lib.types.MessageSerializer
readMsgpack(byte[]) - Static method in class io.ably.lib.types.PresenceSerializer
readMsgpack(byte[]) - Static method in class io.ably.lib.types.ProtocolSerializer
Msgpack decode
readMsgpackArray(MessageUnpacker) - Static method in class io.ably.lib.types.MessageSerializer
Msgpack decode
readMsgpackArray(MessageUnpacker) - Static method in class io.ably.lib.types.PresenceSerializer
Msgpack decode
ReadOnlyMap<K,V> - Interface in io.ably.lib.types
Exposes a subset of the Map interface, providing read only access only, removing mutating interfaces.
readString(JsonObject, String) - Method in class io.ably.lib.types.BaseMessage
Read an optional textual value.
readStringMap(MessageUnpacker) - Static method in class io.ably.lib.types.MessageSerializer
realtime - Variable in class io.ably.lib.types.Stats.MessageTraffic
A Stats.MessageTypes object containing a breakdown of usage by message type for messages transferred over a realtime transport such as WebSocket.
realtimeHost - Variable in class io.ably.lib.types.ClientOptions
Enables a non-default Ably host to be specified for realtime connections.
realtimeRequestTimeout - Static variable in class io.ably.lib.transport.Defaults
realtimeRequestTimeout - Variable in class io.ably.lib.types.ClientOptions
Timeout for the wait of acknowledgement for operations performed via a realtime connection, before the client library considers a request failed and triggers a failure condition.
reason - Variable in class io.ably.lib.realtime.ChannelBase
An ErrorInfo object describing the last error which occurred on the channel, if any.
reason - Variable in class io.ably.lib.realtime.ChannelStateListener.ChannelStateChange
An ErrorInfo object containing any information relating to the transition.
reason - Variable in class io.ably.lib.realtime.Connection
An ErrorInfo object describing the last error received if a connection failure occurs.
reason - Variable in class io.ably.lib.realtime.ConnectionStateListener.ConnectionStateChange
An ErrorInfo object containing any information relating to the transition.
receive(ProtocolMessage) - Method in interface io.ably.lib.transport.ITransport
receive(ProtocolMessage) - Method in class io.ably.lib.transport.WebSocketTransport
recipient - Variable in class
A JSON object of key-value pairs that contains of the push transport and address.
ReconnectionStrategy - Class in io.ably.lib.util
ReconnectionStrategy() - Constructor for class io.ably.lib.util.ReconnectionStrategy
recover - Enum constant in enum class io.ably.lib.transport.ITransport.Mode
recover - Variable in class io.ably.lib.types.ClientOptions
Enables a connection to inherit the state of a previous connection that may have existed under a different instance of the Realtime library.
recoveryKey - Variable in class io.ably.lib.realtime.Connection
use createRecoveryKey method instead.
RecoveryKeyContext - Class in io.ably.lib.types
RecoveryKeyContext(String, long, Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class io.ably.lib.types.RecoveryKeyContext
refSerial - Variable in class io.ably.lib.types.Message
(TM2l) ref string – an opaque string that uniquely identifies some referenced message.
refType - Variable in class io.ably.lib.types.Message
(TM2m) refType string – an opaque string that identifies the type of this reference.
refused - Variable in class io.ably.lib.types.Stats.RequestCount
The number of requests that were refused, typically as a result of permissions or a limit being exceeded.
refused - Variable in class io.ably.lib.types.Stats.ResourceCount
The number of resource requests refused within this period.
release(String) - Method in interface io.ably.lib.realtime.AblyRealtime.Channels
Releases a Channel object, deleting it, and enabling it to be garbage collected.
release(String) - Method in interface
remove(PushBase.ChannelSubscription) - Method in class io.ably.lib.push.PushBase.ChannelSubscriptions
Unsubscribes a device, or a group of devices sharing the same clientId from receiving push notifications on a channel.
remove(DeviceDetails) - Method in class io.ably.lib.push.PushBase.DeviceRegistrations
Removes a device registered to receive push notifications from Ably using the id property of a DeviceDetails object.
remove(String) - Method in class io.ably.lib.push.PushBase.DeviceRegistrations
Removes a device registered to receive push notifications from Ably using its deviceId.
remove(T) - Method in class io.ably.lib.util.Multicaster
removeAsync(PushBase.ChannelSubscription, CompletionListener) - Method in class io.ably.lib.push.PushBase.ChannelSubscriptions
Asynchronously unsubscribes a device, or a group of devices sharing the same clientId from receiving push notifications on a channel.
removeAsync(DeviceDetails, CompletionListener) - Method in class io.ably.lib.push.PushBase.DeviceRegistrations
Asynchronously removes a device registered to receive push notifications from Ably using the id property of a DeviceDetails object.
removeAsync(String, CompletionListener) - Method in class io.ably.lib.push.PushBase.DeviceRegistrations
Asynchronously removes a device registered to receive push notifications from Ably using its deviceId.
removeImpl(PushBase.ChannelSubscription) - Method in class io.ably.lib.push.PushBase.ChannelSubscriptions
removeImpl(String) - Method in class io.ably.lib.push.PushBase.DeviceRegistrations
removeListener(NetworkConnectivity.NetworkConnectivityListener) - Method in class io.ably.lib.transport.NetworkConnectivity
removeOperation(String, String) - Method in class io.ably.lib.types.Capability
Remove an operation for a given resource.
removeResource(String) - Method in class io.ably.lib.types.Capability
Remove a resource from an existing Capability instance
removeWhere(Param[]) - Method in class io.ably.lib.push.PushBase.ChannelSubscriptions
Unsubscribes all devices from receiving push notifications on a channel that match the filter params provided.
removeWhere(Param[]) - Method in class io.ably.lib.push.PushBase.DeviceRegistrations
Removes all devices registered to receive push notifications from Ably matching the filter params provided.
removeWhereAsync(Param[], CompletionListener) - Method in class io.ably.lib.push.PushBase.ChannelSubscriptions
Asynchronously unsubscribes all devices from receiving push notifications on a channel that match the filter params provided.
removeWhereAsync(Param[], CompletionListener) - Method in class io.ably.lib.push.PushBase.DeviceRegistrations
Removes all devices registered to receive push notifications from Ably matching the filter params provided.
removeWhereImpl(Param[]) - Method in class io.ably.lib.push.PushBase.ChannelSubscriptions
removeWhereImpl(Param[]) - Method in class io.ably.lib.push.PushBase.DeviceRegistrations
renew() - Method in class
Because the method returns early before renew() completes and does not provide a completion handler for callers. Please use Auth.renewAuth( instead
renewAuth(Auth.RenewAuthResult) - Method in class
Renew auth credentials.
request(Http.Execute<Result>) - Method in class io.ably.lib.http.Http
request(String, String, Param[], HttpCore.RequestBody, Param[]) - Method in class
Makes a REST request to a provided path.
requestAsync(String, String, Param[], HttpCore.RequestBody, Param[], AsyncHttpPaginatedResponse.Callback) - Method in class
Makes a async REST request to a provided path.
requestBodyFromGson(JsonElement, boolean) - Static method in class io.ably.lib.http.HttpUtils
RequestCount() - Constructor for class io.ably.lib.types.Stats.RequestCount
requestState(ConnectionState) - Method in class io.ably.lib.transport.ConnectionManager
requestState(ConnectionManager.StateIndication) - Method in class io.ably.lib.transport.ConnectionManager
requestToken(Auth.TokenParams, Auth.AuthOptions) - Method in class
Calls the requestToken REST API endpoint to obtain an Ably Token according to the specified Auth.TokenParams and Auth.AuthOptions.
ResourceCount() - Constructor for class io.ably.lib.types.Stats.ResourceCount
Response() - Constructor for class io.ably.lib.http.HttpCore.Response
rest - Variable in class io.ably.lib.push.PushBase
rest - Variable in class io.ably.lib.types.Stats.MessageTraffic
A Stats.MessageTypes object containing a breakdown of usage by message type for messages transferred over a rest transport such as WebSocket.
restHost - Variable in class io.ably.lib.types.ClientOptions
Enables a non-default Ably host to be specified.
resume - Enum constant in enum class io.ably.lib.transport.ITransport.Mode
resumed - Enum constant in enum class io.ably.lib.types.ProtocolMessage.Flag
resumed - Variable in class io.ably.lib.realtime.ChannelStateListener.ChannelStateChange
Indicates whether message continuity on this channel is preserved, see Nonfatal channel errors for more info.
retryIn - Variable in class io.ably.lib.realtime.ConnectionStateListener.ConnectionStateChange
Duration in milliseconds, after which the client retries a connection where applicable.


SafeSSLSocketFactory - Class in io.ably.lib.transport
This is a decorator for the SSLSocketFactory which modifies the enabled TLS protocols for each created SSLSocket to only use the protocols which are considered to be safe.
SafeSSLSocketFactory(SSLSocketFactory) - Constructor for class io.ably.lib.transport.SafeSSLSocketFactory
save(PushBase.ChannelSubscription) - Method in class io.ably.lib.push.PushBase.ChannelSubscriptions
Subscribes a device, or a group of devices sharing the same clientId to push notifications on a channel.
save(DeviceDetails) - Method in class io.ably.lib.push.PushBase.DeviceRegistrations
Registers or updates a DeviceDetails object with Ably.
saveAsync(PushBase.ChannelSubscription, Callback<PushBase.ChannelSubscription>) - Method in class io.ably.lib.push.PushBase.ChannelSubscriptions
Asynchronously subscribes a device, or a group of devices sharing the same clientId to push notifications on a channel.
saveAsync(DeviceDetails, Callback<DeviceDetails>) - Method in class io.ably.lib.push.PushBase.DeviceRegistrations
Asynchronously registers or updates a DeviceDetails object with Ably.
saveImpl(PushBase.ChannelSubscription) - Method in class io.ably.lib.push.PushBase.ChannelSubscriptions
saveImpl(DeviceDetails) - Method in class io.ably.lib.push.PushBase.DeviceRegistrations
scheme - Variable in class io.ably.lib.http.HttpCore
send(ProtocolMessage) - Method in interface io.ably.lib.transport.ITransport
Send a message on the channel
send(ProtocolMessage) - Method in class io.ably.lib.transport.WebSocketTransport
send(ProtocolMessage, boolean, CompletionListener) - Method in class io.ably.lib.transport.ConnectionManager
sendEvents - Variable in class io.ably.lib.transport.ConnectionManager.State
serial - Variable in class io.ably.lib.types.Message
(TM2k) serial string – an opaque string that uniquely identifies the message.
Serialisation - Class in io.ably.lib.util
Serialisation() - Constructor for class io.ably.lib.util.Serialisation
Serialisation.FromJsonElement<T> - Interface in io.ably.lib.util
Serialisation.HttpBodyHandler<T> - Class in io.ably.lib.util
Serialisation.HttpResponseHandler<T> - Class in io.ably.lib.util
serialize(MessageExtras, Type, JsonSerializationContext) - Method in class io.ably.lib.types.MessageExtras.Serializer
serialize(Message, Type, JsonSerializationContext) - Method in class io.ably.lib.types.Message.Serializer
serialize(PresenceMessage, Type, JsonSerializationContext) - Method in class io.ably.lib.types.PresenceMessage.Serializer
serialize(ProtocolMessage.Action, Type, JsonSerializationContext) - Method in class io.ably.lib.types.ProtocolMessage.ActionSerializer
Serializer() - Constructor for class io.ably.lib.types.Message.Serializer
Serializer() - Constructor for class io.ably.lib.types.MessageExtras.Serializer
Serializer() - Constructor for class io.ably.lib.types.PresenceMessage.Serializer
serverId - Variable in class io.ably.lib.types.ConnectionDetails
A unique identifier for the front-end server that the client has connected to.
serverTimestamp() - Method in class
Using time delta obtained before guess current server time
set(Param[], Param) - Static method in class io.ably.lib.types.Param
set(Param[], String, String) - Static method in class io.ably.lib.types.Param
setChannelSerialsFromRecoverOption(Map<String, String>) - Method in class io.ably.lib.realtime.AblyRealtime
setClientId(String) - Method in class
Set the clientId, after first initialisation in the construction of the library therefore an existing null value is significant - it means that ClientOptions.clientId was null
setConnected() - Method in class io.ably.lib.realtime.ChannelBase
setConnectionClosed(ErrorInfo) - Method in class io.ably.lib.realtime.ChannelBase
(RTL3b) If the connection state enters the CLOSED state, then an ATTACHING or ATTACHED channel state will transition to DETACHED.
setConnectionFailed(ErrorInfo) - Method in class io.ably.lib.realtime.ChannelBase
If the connection state enters the FAILED state, then an ATTACHING or ATTACHED channel state will transition to FAILED and set the Channel#errorReason
setFlag(ProtocolMessage.Flag) - Method in class io.ably.lib.types.ProtocolMessage
setFlags(int) - Method in class io.ably.lib.types.ProtocolMessage
setHandler(Log.LogHandler) - Static method in class io.ably.lib.util.Log
setLastActivity(long) - Method in class io.ably.lib.transport.ConnectionManager
setLastMessageData(byte[]) - Method in class io.ably.lib.types.DecodingContext
setLastMessageData(String) - Method in class io.ably.lib.types.DecodingContext
setLevel(int) - Static method in class io.ably.lib.util.Log
setOptions(ChannelOptions) - Method in class io.ably.lib.realtime.ChannelBase
Sets the ChannelOptions for the channel.
setOptions(ChannelOptions, CompletionListener) - Method in class io.ably.lib.realtime.ChannelBase
Sets the ChannelOptions for the channel.
setPreferredHost(String) - Method in class io.ably.lib.http.HttpCore
Sets host for this HTTP client
setPreferredHost(String, boolean) - Method in class io.ably.lib.transport.Hosts
set preferred hostname, which might not be the primary
setSuspended(ErrorInfo, boolean) - Method in class io.ably.lib.realtime.ChannelBase
(RTL3c) If the connection state enters the SUSPENDED state, then an ATTACHING or ATTACHED channel state will transition to SUSPENDED.
size() - Method in interface
size() - Method in interface io.ably.lib.types.ReadOnlyMap
size() - Method in class io.ably.lib.util.InternalMap
size() - Method in class io.ably.lib.util.Multicaster
skipped - Variable in class io.ably.lib.types.Stats.ProcessedCount
sortAuthenticateHeaders(Collection<String>) - Static method in class io.ably.lib.http.HttpAuth
Split a compound authenticate header string to get details for each auth type
state - Variable in class io.ably.lib.realtime.ChannelBase
The current ChannelState of the channel.
state - Variable in class io.ably.lib.realtime.Connection
The current ConnectionState of the connection.
state - Variable in class
The current state of the push registration.
state - Variable in class io.ably.lib.transport.ConnectionManager.State
StateIndication(ConnectionState, ErrorInfo) - Constructor for class io.ably.lib.transport.ConnectionManager.StateIndication
stats(Param[]) - Method in class
Queries the REST /stats API and retrieves your application's usage statistics.
Stats - Class in io.ably.lib.types
Contains application statistics for a specified time interval and time period.
Stats() - Constructor for class io.ably.lib.types.Stats
Stats.ConnectionTypes - Class in io.ably.lib.types
Contains a breakdown of summary stats data for different (TLS vs non-TLS) connection types.
Stats.Granularity - Enum Class in io.ably.lib.types
Describes the interval unit over which statistics are gathered.
Stats.MessageCategory - Class in io.ably.lib.types
Stats.MessageCount - Class in io.ably.lib.types
Contains the aggregate counts for messages and data transferred.
Stats.MessageTraffic - Class in io.ably.lib.types
Contains a breakdown of summary stats data for traffic over various transport types.
Stats.MessageTypes - Class in io.ably.lib.types
Contains a breakdown of summary stats data for different (channel vs presence) message types.
Stats.ProcessedCount - Class in io.ably.lib.types
Stats.ProcessedMessages - Class in io.ably.lib.types
Stats.PushedMessages - Class in io.ably.lib.types
Details the stats on push notifications.
Stats.RequestCount - Class in io.ably.lib.types
Contains the aggregate counts for requests made.
Stats.ResourceCount - Class in io.ably.lib.types
Contains the aggregate data for usage of a resource in a specific scope.
statsAsync(Param[], Callback<AsyncPaginatedResult<Stats>>) - Method in class
Asynchronously queries the REST /stats API and retrieves your application's usage statistics.
StatsReader - Class in io.ably.lib.types
StatsReader: internal Utility class to convert response bodies in different formats to Stats data.
StatsReader() - Constructor for class io.ably.lib.types.StatsReader
statsResponseHandler - Static variable in class io.ably.lib.types.StatsReader
statusCode - Variable in class io.ably.lib.http.HttpCore.Response
statusCode - Variable in class io.ably.lib.types.AsyncHttpPaginatedResponse
statusCode - Variable in class io.ably.lib.types.ErrorInfo
HTTP Status Code corresponding to this error, where applicable.
statusCode - Variable in class io.ably.lib.types.HttpPaginatedResponse
The HTTP status code of the response.
statusLine - Variable in class io.ably.lib.http.HttpCore.Response
Storage - Interface in io.ably.lib.push
Interface for an entity that supplies key value store
StringUtils - Class in io.ably.lib.util
StringUtils() - Constructor for class io.ably.lib.util.StringUtils
subscribe - Enum constant in enum class io.ably.lib.types.ChannelMode
The client can subscribe to messages.
subscribe - Enum constant in enum class io.ably.lib.types.ProtocolMessage.Flag
subscribe(ChannelBase.MessageListener) - Method in class io.ably.lib.realtime.ChannelBase
Registers a listener for messages on this channel.
subscribe(Presence.PresenceListener) - Method in class io.ably.lib.realtime.Presence
Registers a listener that is called each time a PresenceMessage matching a given PresenceMessage.Action, or an action within an array of PresenceMessage.Action, is received on the channel, such as a new member entering the presence set.
subscribe(Presence.PresenceListener, CompletionListener) - Method in class io.ably.lib.realtime.Presence
Registers a listener that is called each time a PresenceMessage matching a given PresenceMessage.Action, or an action within an array of PresenceMessage.Action, is received on the channel, such as a new member entering the presence set.
subscribe(PresenceMessage.Action, Presence.PresenceListener) - Method in class io.ably.lib.realtime.Presence
Registers a listener that is called each time a PresenceMessage matching a given PresenceMessage.Action, or an action within an array of PresenceMessage.Action, is received on the channel, such as a new member entering the presence set.
subscribe(PresenceMessage.Action, Presence.PresenceListener, CompletionListener) - Method in class io.ably.lib.realtime.Presence
Registers a listener that is called each time a PresenceMessage matching a given PresenceMessage.Action, or an action within an array of PresenceMessage.Action, is received on the channel, such as a new member entering the presence set.
subscribe(String[], ChannelBase.MessageListener) - Method in class io.ably.lib.realtime.ChannelBase
Registers a listener for messages on this channel for multiple event name values.
subscribe(String, ChannelBase.MessageListener) - Method in class io.ably.lib.realtime.ChannelBase
Registers a listener for messages with a given event name on this channel.
subscribe(EnumSet<PresenceMessage.Action>, Presence.PresenceListener) - Method in class io.ably.lib.realtime.Presence
Registers a listener that is called each time a PresenceMessage matching a given PresenceMessage.Action, or an action within an array of PresenceMessage.Action, is received on the channel, such as a new member entering the presence set.
subscribe(EnumSet<PresenceMessage.Action>, Presence.PresenceListener, CompletionListener) - Method in class io.ably.lib.realtime.Presence
Registers a listener that is called each time a PresenceMessage matching a given PresenceMessage.Action, or an action within an array of PresenceMessage.Action, is received on the channel, such as a new member entering the presence set.
succeeded - Variable in class io.ably.lib.types.Stats.ProcessedCount
succeeded - Variable in class io.ably.lib.types.Stats.RequestCount
The number of requests that succeeded.
success - Variable in class io.ably.lib.types.AsyncHttpPaginatedResponse
success - Variable in class io.ably.lib.types.HttpPaginatedResponse
Whether statusCode indicates success.
suspendAll(ErrorInfo, boolean) - Method in interface io.ably.lib.transport.ConnectionManager.Channels
suspended - Enum constant in enum class io.ably.lib.realtime.ChannelEvent
suspended - Enum constant in enum class io.ably.lib.realtime.ChannelState
The channel, having previously been ATTACHED, has lost continuity, usually due to the client being disconnected from Ably for longer than two minutes.
suspended - Enum constant in enum class io.ably.lib.realtime.ConnectionEvent
suspended - Enum constant in enum class io.ably.lib.realtime.ConnectionState
A long term failure condition.
suspendedRetryTimeout - Static variable in class io.ably.lib.transport.Defaults
suspendedRetryTimeout - Variable in class io.ably.lib.types.ClientOptions
This is a timeout when the connection enters the suspendedState.
sync - Enum constant in enum class io.ably.lib.types.ProtocolMessage.Action
sync() - Method in class io.ably.lib.http.BasePaginatedQuery.ResultRequest.Failed
sync() - Method in class io.ably.lib.http.BasePaginatedQuery.ResultRequest
sync() - Method in class io.ably.lib.http.Http.Request
sync() - Method in class io.ably.lib.realtime.ChannelBase
syncComplete - Variable in class io.ably.lib.realtime.Presence
Indicates whether the presence set synchronization between Ably and the clients on the channel has been completed.
SyncHttpScheduler - Class in io.ably.lib.http
A HttpScheduler that runs everything in the current thread.
SyncHttpScheduler(HttpCore) - Constructor for class io.ably.lib.http.SyncHttpScheduler


TAG - Static variable in class io.ably.lib.http.AsyncHttpScheduler
TAG - Static variable in class io.ably.lib.http.HttpScheduler
TAG - Static variable in interface io.ably.lib.transport.ITransport
time() - Method in class
Retrieves the time from the Ably service as milliseconds since the Unix epoch.
timeAsync(Callback<Long>) - Method in class
Asynchronously retrieves the time from the Ably service as milliseconds since the Unix epoch.
timeout - Variable in class io.ably.lib.transport.ConnectionManager.State
TIMEOUT_CHANNEL_RETRY - Static variable in class io.ably.lib.transport.Defaults
TIMEOUT_CONNECT - Static variable in class io.ably.lib.transport.Defaults
TIMEOUT_DISCONNECT - Static variable in class io.ably.lib.transport.Defaults
TIMEOUT_HTTP_OPEN - Static variable in class io.ably.lib.transport.Defaults
TIMEOUT_HTTP_REQUEST - Static variable in class io.ably.lib.transport.Defaults
timestamp - Variable in class
The timestamp of this request as milliseconds since the Unix epoch.
timestamp - Variable in class io.ably.lib.types.BaseMessage
Timestamp of when the message was received by Ably, as milliseconds since the Unix epoch.
timestamp - Variable in class io.ably.lib.types.ProtocolMessage
timestamp() - Static method in class
tls - Variable in class io.ably.lib.types.ClientOptions
When false, the client will use an insecure connection.
tls - Variable in class io.ably.lib.types.Stats.ConnectionTypes
A Stats.ResourceCount object containing a breakdown of usage by scope over TLS connections.
TLS_PORT - Static variable in class io.ably.lib.transport.Defaults
tlsPort - Variable in class io.ably.lib.types.ClientOptions
Enables a non-default Ably TLS port to be specified.
ToCallback(CompletionListener) - Constructor for class io.ably.lib.realtime.CompletionListener.ToCallback
toInt() - Method in enum class
toIntervalId(long, Stats.Granularity) - Static method in class io.ably.lib.types.Stats
toJson() - Method in class io.ably.lib.util.JsonUtils.JsonUtilsObject
toJsonObject() - Method in class io.ably.lib.push.PushBase.ChannelSubscription
toJsonObject() - Method in class
toJsonObject() - Method in class
toJsonObject(BaseMessage) - Static method in class io.ably.lib.types.BaseMessage
Base for gson serialisers.
token - Enum constant in enum class
token - Variable in class
An authenticated token.
token - Variable in class
The Ably Token itself.
tokenDetails - Variable in class
An authenticated Auth.TokenDetails object (most commonly obtained from an Ably Token Request response).
TokenDetails() - Constructor for class
TokenDetails(String) - Constructor for class
TokenParams() - Constructor for class
TokenRequest() - Constructor for class
TokenRequest(Auth.TokenParams) - Constructor for class
tokenRequests - Variable in class io.ably.lib.types.Stats
A Stats.RequestCount object containing a breakdown of Ably Token requests.
toParamArray(Map<String, List<String>>) - Static method in class io.ably.lib.http.HttpUtils
toSet(int) - Static method in enum class io.ably.lib.types.ChannelMode
toString() - Method in class io.ably.lib.push.PushBase.ChannelSubscription
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class io.ably.lib.transport.WebSocketTransport
toString() - Method in class io.ably.lib.types.Capability
Get the canonicalised String text for a Capability instance.
toString() - Method in class io.ably.lib.types.ErrorInfo
toString() - Method in class io.ably.lib.types.Message
Generate a String summary of this Message
toString() - Method in class io.ably.lib.types.MessageExtras
toString() - Method in class io.ably.lib.types.Param
toString() - Method in class io.ably.lib.types.PresenceMessage
Generate a String summary of this PresenceMessage
transferToChannelQueue(List<ConnectionManager.QueuedMessage>) - Method in interface io.ably.lib.transport.ConnectionManager.Channels
TRANSPORT - Static variable in class io.ably.lib.transport.Defaults
transportFactory - Variable in class io.ably.lib.debug.DebugOptions
transportParams - Variable in class io.ably.lib.types.ClientOptions
A set of key-value pairs that can be used to pass in arbitrary connection parameters, such as heartbeatInterval or remainPresentFor.
TransportParams(ClientOptions, PlatformAgentProvider) - Constructor for class io.ably.lib.transport.ITransport.TransportParams
ttl - Variable in class
Requested time to live for the token in milliseconds.
turnOffActivityCheckIfPingListenerIsNotSupported() - Method in class io.ably.lib.transport.WebSocketTransport
Visible For Testing


uncompressedData - Variable in class io.ably.lib.types.Stats.MessageCount
unit - Variable in class io.ably.lib.types.Stats
The length of the interval the stats span.
unsubscribe() - Method in class io.ably.lib.realtime.ChannelBase
Deregisters all listeners to messages on this channel.
unsubscribe() - Method in class io.ably.lib.realtime.Presence
Deregisters all listeners currently receiving PresenceMessage for the channel.
unsubscribe(ChannelBase.MessageListener) - Method in class io.ably.lib.realtime.ChannelBase
Deregisters the given listener (for any/all event names).
unsubscribe(Presence.PresenceListener) - Method in class io.ably.lib.realtime.Presence
Deregisters a specific listener that is registered to receive PresenceMessage on the channel.
unsubscribe(PresenceMessage.Action, Presence.PresenceListener) - Method in class io.ably.lib.realtime.Presence
Deregisters a specific listener that is registered to receive PresenceMessage on the channel for a given PresenceMessage.Action.
unsubscribe(String[], ChannelBase.MessageListener) - Method in class io.ably.lib.realtime.ChannelBase
Deregisters the given listener from all event names in the array.
unsubscribe(String, ChannelBase.MessageListener) - Method in class io.ably.lib.realtime.ChannelBase
Deregisters the given listener for the specified event name.
unsubscribe(EnumSet<PresenceMessage.Action>, Presence.PresenceListener) - Method in class io.ably.lib.realtime.Presence
Deregisters a specific listener that is registered to receive PresenceMessage on the channel for a given PresenceMessage.Action.
update - Enum constant in enum class io.ably.lib.realtime.ChannelEvent
An event for changes to channel conditions that do not result in a change in ChannelState.
update - Enum constant in enum class io.ably.lib.realtime.ConnectionEvent
An event for changes to connection conditions for which the ConnectionState does not change.
update - Enum constant in enum class io.ably.lib.types.PresenceMessage.Action
An already present member has updated their member data.
update(Object, CompletionListener) - Method in class io.ably.lib.realtime.Presence
Updates the data payload for a presence member.
updateClient(String) - Method in class io.ably.lib.realtime.Presence
Updates the data payload for a presence member using a given clientId.
updateClient(String, Object) - Method in class io.ably.lib.realtime.Presence
Updates the data payload for a presence member using a given clientId.
updateClient(String, Object, CompletionListener) - Method in class io.ably.lib.realtime.Presence
Updates the data payload for a presence member using a given clientId.
updatePresence(PresenceMessage, CompletionListener) - Method in class io.ably.lib.realtime.Presence
Update the presence for this channel with a given PresenceMessage update.
urlPattern - Static variable in class io.ably.lib.http.BasePaginatedQuery
urlWithQueryStringRemoved(String) - Static method in class io.ably.lib.http.HttpUtils
Removes querystring from given url string and returns the url string without query string(s)
useBinaryProtocol - Variable in class io.ably.lib.types.ClientOptions
When true, the more efficient MsgPack binary encoding is used.
username - Variable in class io.ably.lib.types.ProxyOptions
useTokenAuth - Variable in class
When true, forces token authentication to be used by the library.


v(String, String) - Static method in class io.ably.lib.util.Log
v(String, String, Throwable) - Static method in class io.ably.lib.util.Log
value - Variable in class io.ably.lib.types.Param
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class io.ably.lib.http.HttpAuth.Type
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class io.ably.lib.realtime.ChannelEvent
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class io.ably.lib.realtime.ChannelState
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class io.ably.lib.realtime.ConnectionEvent
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class io.ably.lib.realtime.ConnectionState
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class io.ably.lib.transport.ITransport.Mode
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class io.ably.lib.types.ChannelMode
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class io.ably.lib.types.MessageAction
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class io.ably.lib.types.PresenceMessage.Action
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class io.ably.lib.types.ProtocolMessage.Action
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class io.ably.lib.types.ProtocolMessage.Flag
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class io.ably.lib.types.Stats.Granularity
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum class io.ably.lib.http.HttpAuth.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class io.ably.lib.realtime.ChannelEvent
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class io.ably.lib.realtime.ChannelState
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class io.ably.lib.realtime.ConnectionEvent
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class io.ably.lib.realtime.ConnectionState
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Method in interface
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Method in interface io.ably.lib.transport.ConnectionManager.Channels
values() - Static method in enum class io.ably.lib.transport.ITransport.Mode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class io.ably.lib.types.ChannelMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class io.ably.lib.types.MessageAction
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class io.ably.lib.types.PresenceMessage.Action
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class io.ably.lib.types.ProtocolMessage.Action
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class io.ably.lib.types.ProtocolMessage.Flag
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Method in interface io.ably.lib.types.ReadOnlyMap
values() - Static method in enum class io.ably.lib.types.Stats.Granularity
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Method in class io.ably.lib.util.InternalMap
VERBOSE - Static variable in class io.ably.lib.util.Log
Priority constant; use Log.v.
version - Variable in class io.ably.lib.types.Message
(TM2p) version string – an opaque string that uniquely identifies the message, and is different for different versions.
VERSION - Static variable in class io.ably.lib.BuildConfig


w(String, String) - Static method in class io.ably.lib.util.Log
w(String, String, Throwable) - Static method in class io.ably.lib.util.Log
w(String, Throwable) - Static method in class io.ably.lib.util.Log
WARN - Static variable in class io.ably.lib.util.Log
Priority constant; use Log.w.
webhook - Variable in class io.ably.lib.types.Stats.MessageTraffic
A Stats.MessageTypes object containing a breakdown of usage by message type for messages delivered using webhooks.
WebSocketTransport - Class in io.ably.lib.transport
WebSocketTransport(ITransport.TransportParams, ConnectionManager) - Constructor for class io.ably.lib.transport.WebSocketTransport
protected constructor
WebSocketTransport.Factory - Class in io.ably.lib.transport
public factory API
WILDCARD_CLIENTID - Static variable in class
withCipherKey(byte[]) - Static method in class io.ably.lib.types.ChannelOptions
Constructor withCipherKey, that takes a key only.
withCipherKey(String) - Static method in class io.ably.lib.types.ChannelOptions
Constructor withCipherKey, that takes a key only.
write(Map<String, String>, MessagePacker) - Static method in class io.ably.lib.types.MessageSerializer
writeJSON(ProtocolMessage) - Static method in class io.ably.lib.types.ProtocolSerializer
JSON encode
writeMsgpack(ProtocolMessage) - Static method in class io.ably.lib.types.ProtocolSerializer
Msgpack encode
writeMsgpack(MessagePacker) - Method in class io.ably.lib.types.Message.Batch
writeMsgpackArray(Message[]) - Static method in class io.ably.lib.types.MessageSerializer
writeMsgpackArray(Message[], MessagePacker) - Static method in class io.ably.lib.types.MessageSerializer
writeMsgpackArray(PresenceMessage[]) - Static method in class io.ably.lib.types.PresenceSerializer
Msgpack encode
writeMsgpackArray(PresenceMessage[], MessagePacker) - Static method in class io.ably.lib.types.PresenceSerializer
WWW_AUTHENTICATE - Static variable in class io.ably.lib.http.HttpConstants.Headers


X_ABLY_TOKEN - Enum constant in enum class io.ably.lib.http.HttpAuth.Type
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X 
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