Package io.ably.lib.http

Class PaginatedQuery<T>

Type Parameters:
T - the body response type.

public class PaginatedQuery<T> extends Object
An object that encapsulates parameters of a REST query with a paginated response
  • Constructor Details

    • PaginatedQuery

      public PaginatedQuery(Http http, String path, Param[] headers, Param[] params, HttpCore.BodyHandler<T> bodyHandler)
      Construct a PaginatedQuery
      http - the http instance
      path - the path of the resource being queried
      headers - headers to pass into the first and all relative queries
      params - params to pass into the initial query
      bodyHandler - handler to parse response bodies for first and all relative queries
    • PaginatedQuery

      public PaginatedQuery(Http http, String path, Param[] headers, Param[] params, HttpCore.RequestBody requestBody, HttpCore.BodyHandler<T> bodyHandler)
      Construct a PaginatedQuery
      http - the http instance
      path - the path of the resource being queried
      headers - headers to pass into the first and all relative queries
      params - params to pass into the initial query
      bodyHandler - handler to parse response bodies for first and all relative queries
  • Method Details

    • get

      public PaginatedResult<T> get() throws AblyException
      Get the result of the first query
      A PaginatedResult giving the first page of results together with any available links to related results pages.