All Classes and Interfaces

A client that offers a simple stateless API to interact directly with Ably's REST API.
A collection of Channels associated with an Ably instance.
An exception type encapsulating an Ably error code
A client that extends the functionality of the AblyRest and provides additional realtime-specific features.
A collection of Channels associated with this Ably Realtime instance.
A client that offers a simple stateless API to interact directly with Ably's REST API.
An interface allowing a client to be notified of the outcome of an asynchronous operation.
A HttpScheduler that uses a thread pool to run HTTP operations.
An object that encapsulates parameters of a REST query with a paginated response
A type that represents a page of results from a paginated query.
Token-generation and authentication operations for the Ably API.
Authentication methods
Passes authentication-specific properties in authentication requests to Ably.
An interface providing update result for onAuthUpdated
An interface providing completion callbackk for renewAuth
An interface implemented by a callback that provides either tokens, or signed token requests, in response to a request with given token params.
Contains an Ably Token and its associated metadata.
Defines the properties of an Ably Token.
Contains the properties of a request for a token to Ably.
A Base64 encoder/decoder.
A paginated query base implementation that can be used sync or asynchronously.
Wraps a Http.Request<BasePaginatedResult> to fixate on either a sync or an async interface.
A ResultRequest that has already failed due to a previous condition.
A type that represents a page of results from a paginated query.
An interface allowing a client to be notified of the outcome of an asynchronous operation.
A class representing an Ably Capability, providing convenience methods to simplify creation of token requests
Enables messages to be published and subscribed to.
A class representing a Channel in the Ably REST API.
An interface whereby a client maybe notified of message on a channel.
Describes the events emitted by a Channel object.
Describes the possible flags used to configure client capabilities, using ChannelOptions.
Passes additional properties to a Channel or Channel object, such as encryption, ChannelMode and channel parameters.
Describes the properties of the channel state.
Describes the possible states of a Channel object.
An interface whereby a client may be notified of state changes for a channel.
Contains state change information emitted by Channel objects.
Passes additional client-specific properties to the AblyRest or the AblyRealtime.
An interface allowing a client to be notified of the outcome of an asynchronous operation.
A Multicaster instance is used in the Ably library to manage a list of client listeners against certain operations.
Enables the management of a connection to Ably.
Contains any constraints a client should adhere to and provides additional metadata about a Connection, such as if a request to ChannelBase.publish(java.lang.String, java.lang.Object) a message that exceeds the maximum message size should be rejected immediately without communicating with Ably.
Describes the events emitted by a Connection object.
Methods on the channels map owned by the AblyRealtime instance which the ConnectionManager needs access to.
event queueing
a class encapsulating information associated with a currentState change request or notification
Describes the realtime Connection object states.
An interface whereby a client may be notified of state changes for a connection.
Contains ConnectionState change information emitted by the Connection object.
Contains the properties required to configure the encryption of Message payloads.
Sets the properties to configure encryption for a Channel or Channel object.
Internal; a cipher used to decrypt plaintext from ciphertext, for a channel.
Internal; a cipher used to encrypt plaintext to ciphertext, for a channel.
Contains the properties of a device registered for push notifications.
Contains the details of the push registration of a device.
A generic Ably error object that contains an Ably-specific status code, and a generic status code.
A generic interface for event registration and delivery used in a number of the types in the Realtime client library.
An annotation indicating an experimental API.
Object to encapsulate primary host name and shuffled fallback host names.
A high level wrapper of both a sync and an async HttpScheduler.
HttpCore performs authenticated HTTP synchronously.
Exception signifying that an httpCore request failed with a WWW-Authenticate response
Interface for an entity that performs type-specific processing on an httpCore response body
Interface for an entity that supplies an httpCore request body
A type encapsulating an httpCore response
Interface for an entity that performs type-specific processing on an httpCore response
A superset of PaginatedResult which represents a page of results plus metadata indicating the relative queries available to it.
HttpScheduler schedules HttpCore operations to an Executor, exposing a generic async API.
HttpUtils: utility methods for Http operations Internal
A RequestBody wrapping a byte array
A RequestBody wrapping a JSON-serialisable object
A map implemented using a ConcurrentHashMap.
Default log handler class that sends output to System.out.
Contains an individual message that is sent to, or received from, Ably.
Special AblyException for message decoding problems
MessageReader: internal Utility class to convert response bodies in different formats to Message and Message arrays.
Collection of members who are listeners, with methods that are safe to be called from any thread.
Implement this marker interface in your exception class if the token auth operation should not be retried.
An object that encapsulates parameters of a REST query with a paginated response
Contains a page of results for message or presence history, stats, or REST presence requests.
A class encapsulating a key/value pair
Enables the presence set to be entered and subscribed to, and the historic presence set to be retrieved for a channel.
An interface allowing a listener to be notified of arrival of a presence message.
A class representing an individual presence update to be sent or received via the Ably Realtime service.
Describes the possible actions members in the presence set can emit.
PresenceSerializer: internal Utility class to convert response bodies in different formats to PresenceMessage and PresenceMessage arrays.
A message sent and received over the Realtime protocol.
Contains the token string used to authenticate a client with Ably.
Contains the responses from a PublishResponse PublishResponse#publish request.
Enables a device to be registered and deregistered from receiving push notifications.
Enables a device to be registered and deregistered from receiving push notifications.
Contains the subscriptions of a device, or a group of devices sharing the same clientId, has to a channel in order to receive push notifications.
Enables device push channel subscriptions.
Enables the management of push notification registrations with Ably.
Exposes a subset of the Map interface, providing read only access only, removing mutating interfaces.
This is a decorator for the SSLSocketFactory which modifies the enabled TLS protocols for each created SSLSocket to only use the protocols which are considered to be safe.
Contains application statistics for a specified time interval and time period.
Contains a breakdown of summary stats data for different (TLS vs non-TLS) connection types.
Describes the interval unit over which statistics are gathered.
Contains the aggregate counts for messages and data transferred.
Contains a breakdown of summary stats data for traffic over various transport types.
Contains a breakdown of summary stats data for different (channel vs presence) message types.
Details the stats on push notifications.
Contains the aggregate counts for requests made.
Contains the aggregate data for usage of a resource in a specific scope.
StatsReader: internal Utility class to convert response bodies in different formats to Stats data.
Interface for an entity that supplies key value store
A HttpScheduler that runs everything in the current thread.
public factory API