
Class ChannelBase

Direct Known Subclasses:

public class ChannelBase extends Object
A class representing a Channel in the Ably REST API. In the REST API, the library is essentially stateless; a Channel object simply represents a channel for making REST requests, and existence of a channel does not signify that there is a realtime connection or attachment to that channel.
  • Field Details

    • name

      public final String name
      The Channel name
    • presence

      public final ChannelBase.Presence presence
      The presence instance for this channel.
  • Method Details

    • publish

      public void publish(String name, Object data) throws AblyException
      Publish a message on this channel using the REST API. Since the REST API is stateless, this request is made independently of any other request on this or any other channel.
      name - the event name
      data - the message payload; see io.ably.types.Data for details of supported data types.
    • publishAsync

      public void publishAsync(String name, Object data, CompletionListener listener)
      Publish a message on this channel using the REST API. Since the REST API is stateless, this request is made independently of any other request on this or any other channel.
      name - the event name
      data - the message payload; see io.ably.types.Data for
      listener - a listener to be notified of the outcome of this message.

      This listener is invoked on a background thread.

    • publish

      public void publish(Message[] messages) throws AblyException
      Publish an array of messages on this channel. When there are multiple messages to be sent, it is more efficient to use this method to publish them in a single request, as compared with publishing via multiple independent requests.
      messages - array of messages to publish.
    • publishAsync

      public void publishAsync(Message[] messages, CompletionListener listener)
      Asynchronously publish an array of messages on this channel
      messages - the message
      listener - a listener to be notified of the outcome of this message.

      This listener is invoked on a background thread.

    • history

      public PaginatedResult<Message> history(Param[] params) throws AblyException
      Obtain recent history for this channel using the REST API. The history provided relqtes to all clients of this application, not just this instance.
      params - the request params. See the Ably REST API documentation for more details.
      an array of Messages for this Channel.
    • historyAsync

      public void historyAsync(Param[] params, Callback<AsyncPaginatedResult<Message>> callback)
      Asynchronously obtain recent history for this channel using the REST API.
      params - the request params. See the Ably REST API
      callback -