Push Notifications - Admin

This object is accessible through client.push.admin and provides:

publish(Object recipient, Object data, callback(ErrorInfo err))

Publishes a push notification directly to a device or group of devices sharing a client identifier. See the push notification direct publishing documentation for more information.


an object containing the push recipient details. See the push notification publish REST API documentation for details on the supported recipient fields
an object containing the push notification data. See the push admin payload structure for details on the supported push payload fields

The push admin object exposes the following public properties:

The returned DeviceRegistrations object provides functionality for registering, updating, listing and de-registering push devices.

The returned PushChannelSubscriptions object provides functionality for subscribing, listing and unsubscribing individual devices or groups of identified devices to push notifications published on channels.

This object is accessible through client.push.admin.deviceRegistrations and provides an API to register new push notification devices, update existing devices, deregister old devices, and retrieve or list devices registered to an app.

get(String deviceId, callback(ErrorInfo err, DeviceDetails device))

get(DeviceDetails device, callback(ErrorInfo err, DeviceDetails device))

Obtain the DeviceDetails for a device registered for receiving push registrations matching the deviceId argument, or the id attribute of the provided DeviceDetails object. Requires push-admin permission or push-subscribe permission together with device authentication matching the requested deviceId.


the unique device ID String for the requested device
a DeviceDetails object containing at a minimum the deviceId of the requested device

list(Object params, callback(ErrorInfo err, PaginatedResult<DeviceDetails device> resultPage))

Retrieve all devices matching the params filter as a paginated list of DeviceDetails objects. Requires push-admin permission.


an object containing the query parameters as key value pairs as specified below.

params properties

optional filter to restrict to devices associated with that client identifier. Cannot be used with a deviceId paramType: String
optional filter to restrict to devices associated with that device identifier. Cannot be used with a clientId paramType: String
100 maximum number of devices per page to retrieve, up to 1,000Type: Integer

save(DeviceDetails device, callback(ErrorInfo err, DeviceDetails device))

Register a new DeviceDetails object, or update an existing DeviceDetails object with the Ably service. Requires push-admin permission or push-subscribe permission together with device authentication matching the requested deviceId.


a DeviceDetails object

remove(String deviceId, callback(ErrorInfo err))

remove(DeviceDetails device, callback(ErrorInfo err))

Remove a device registered for receiving push registrations that matches the deviceId argument, or the id attribute of the provided DeviceDetails object. Requires push-admin permission or push-subscribe permission together with device authentication matching the requested deviceId.


the unique device ID String for the device
a DeviceDetails object containing at a minimum the deviceId of the device

removeWhere(Object params, callback(ErrorInfo err))

Delete all devices matching the params filter. Requires push-admin permission.


an object containing the filter parameters as key value pairs as specified below.

params properties

optional filter to restrict to devices associated with that client identifier. Cannot be used with a deviceId paramType: String
optional filter to restrict to devices associated with that device identifier. Cannot be used with a clientId paramType: String

This object is accessible through client.push.admin.channelSubscriptions and provides an API to subscribe a push notification device to a channel ensuring it receives any push notifications published in the future on that channel. Additionally, this object allows these subscriptions to be retrieved, listed, updated or removed.

list(Object params, callback(ErrorInfo err, PaginatedResult<PushChannelSubscription> resultPage))

Retrieve all push channel subscriptions that match the provided params filter as a paginated list of PushChannelSubscription objects. Each PushChannelSubscription represents a device or set of devices sharing the same client identifier registered to a channel to receive push notifications.


an object containing the query parameters as key value pairs as specified below.

params properties

filter to restrict to subscriptions associated with that channel
optional filter to restrict to devices associated with that client identifier. Cannot be used with a deviceId paramType: String
optional filter to restrict to devices associated with that device identifier. Cannot be used with a clientId paramType: String
100 maximum number of channel subscriptions per page to retrieve, up to 1,000Type: Integer

listChannels(Object params, callback(ErrorInfo err, PaginatedResult<String> resultPage))

Retrieve a list of channels with at least one subscribed device as a paginated list of channel name String objects. Requires push-admin permission.


an object containing the query parameters as key value pairs as specified below.

params properties

100 maximum number of channels per page to retrieve, up to 1,000Type: Integer

save(PushChannelSubscription channelSubscription, callback(ErrorInfo err, PushChannelSubscription channelSubscription))

Subscribe a device or group of devices sharing a client identifier for push notifications published on a channel.


a PushChannelSubscription object

remove(PushChannelSubscription channelSubscription, callback(ErrorInfo err))

Unsubscribe a device or group of devices sharing a client identifier from push notifications on a channel. Requires push-admin permission or, in the case of a subscription associated with a given deviceId, push-subscribe permission together with device authentication matching that deviceId.


a PushChannelSubscription object

removeWhere(Object params, callback(ErrorInfo err))

Delete all push channel subscriptions matching the params filter. Requires push-admin permission.


an object containing the filter parameters as key value pairs as specified below.

params properties

filter to restrict to subscriptions associated with that channel
optional filter to restrict to devices associated with that client identifier. Cannot be used with deviceId paramType: String
optional filter to restrict to devices associated with that device identifier. Cannot be used with clientId paramType: String

A DeviceDetails is a type encapsulating attributes of a device registered for push notifications.


unique identifier for the device generated by the device itselfType: String
optional trusted client identifier for the deviceType: String
form factor of the push device. Must be one of phone, tablet, desktop, tv, watch, car or embeddedType: String
optional metadata object for this device. The metadata for a device may only be set by clients with push-admin privilegesType: Object
platform of the push device. Must be one of ios or androidType: String
Secret value for the device.Type: String
push recipient details for this device. See the REST API push publish documentation for more detailsType: Object
the current state of the push device being either Active, Failing or FailedType: String
when the device’s state is failing or failed, this attribute contains the reason for the most recent failureType: ErrorInfo

An PushChannelSubscription is a type encapsulating the subscription of a device or group of devices sharing a client identifier to a channel in order to receive push notifications.


the channel that this push notification subscription is associated withType: String
the device with this identifier is linked to this channel subscription. When present, clientId is never presentType: String
devices with this client identifier are included in this channel subscription. When present, deviceId is never presentType: String

PushChannelSubscription.forDevice(String channel, String deviceId) → PushChannelSubscription

A static factory method to create a PushChannelSubscription object for a channel and single device.


channel name linked to this push channel subscriptionType: String
the device with this identifier will be linked with this push channel subscriptionType: String


A PushChannelSubscription object

PushChannelSubscription.forClient(String channel, String clientId) → PushChannelSubscription

A static factory method to create a PushChannelSubscription object for a channel and group of devices sharing a client identifier.


channel name linked to this push channel subscriptionType: String
devices with this client identifier are included in the new push channel subscriptionType: String


A PushChannelSubscription object

A PaginatedResult is a type that represents a page of results for all message and presence history, stats and REST presence requests. The response from a Ably REST API paginated query is accompanied by metadata that indicates the relative queries available to the PaginatedResult object.


contains the current page of results (for example an Array of Message or PresenceMessage objects for a channel history request)Type: Array <Message, Presence, Stats>


first(callback(ErrorInfo err, PaginatedResult resultPage))

Returns a new PaginatedResult for the first page of results.

Boolean hasNext()

Returns true if there are more pages available by calling next and returns false if this page is the last page available.

Boolean isLast()

Returns true if this page is the last page and returns false if there are more pages available by calling next available.

next(callback(ErrorInfo err, PaginatedResult resultPage))

Returns a new PaginatedResult loaded with the next page of results. If there are no further pages, then null is returned.

channel.history(function(err, paginatedResult) { console.log('Page 0 item 0:' + paginatedResult.items[0].data); paginatedResult.next(function(err, nextPage) { console.log('Page 1 item 1: ' + nextPage.items[1].data); console.log('Last page?: ' + nextPage.isLast()); }); });