Metadata REST requests

Metadata can be retrieved by REST request for a single channel, or for all active channels in an app. The information returned includes the current state of a channel and its occupancy.

Since the metadata of channels often changes frequently, Ably recommends subscribing to realtime events rather than polling for status updates via REST. This is because data is likely to become stale shortly after it has been received.

Requesting the metadata for a single channel returns a ChannelDetails object for the given channel. This provides details about the channel including its occupancy. A side effect of this request is that it will cause the channel to be activated. It is intended to be used in conjunction with the API to enumerate a list of active channels in an app.

Ably SDKs can query this endpoint using the generic request() method.

The following is an example curl request to retrieve metadata from a channel:

curl<channelId> \ -u "<loading API key, please wait>"
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Requesting a list of channels will enumerate all active channels in an application as a PaginatedResults object. You can specify whether to return just a list of channel names, or a ChannelDetails object for each channel. Returning a ChannelDetails object is often only necessary if you need to view the occupancy of every channel.

The following parameters are supported:

100 optionally specifies the maximum number of results to return. The maximum is 1000.Type: integer
optionally limits the query to only those channels whose name starts with the given prefixType: string
id (v3) or value (v2) optionally specifies what to return. Use by=id to return just channel names. Use by=value to return ChannelDetails. Using by=id will be much faster, and making very regular by=value enumeration queries can prevent channels from closing down from inactivity.

Ably SDKs can query this endpoint using the generic request() method.

The following is an example curl request to retrieve metadata from a channel:

curl \ -u "<loading API key, please wait>"
Demo Only

Note that this API is intended for occasional use only. For example, to get an initial set of active channels that will be kept up-to-date using the [meta]channel.lifecycle metachannel. The API is heavily rate-limited and only a single in-flight call is permitted to execute at any time. Further concurrent calls will be refused with the error code 42912.

by=value, which was the default for versions 2 and lower, has unintuitive behaviour, see the supported parameters table for more details. Use by=id where possible.

It is possible to enumerate all channels in an app using repeated calls to the API and following the next relative link of each successive call. This is subject to several limitations:

  • Channels that become active, or inactive, between the first and last request in the sequence, may or may not appear in the result. The API guarantees that if a channel is continuously active from the time that the first request is made until the time that the last request completes, then it will be present in the result. Similarly, if a channel is continuously inactive between those times then it will not to be present in the result.
  • Since the state of the cluster processing a request may change between successive calls, a pagination sequence may become invalid, in which case the request will respond with the error code 40011. In this case, it is necessary to start the enumeration again from the beginning to get a complete result. Enumerations that are satisfiable in the first response page do not have this issue.
  • The API does not guarantee that the limit will be achieved even if that would be possible. For example, if you specify a limit of 100, the API may return only 37 results together with a next link to get the next page, even if you have more than 37 channels. In an extreme case, the API may return 0 results with a next link. In particular this may be the case if you have a large number of active channels but are specifying a prefix that excludes a significant proportion of them.
  • The API does not guarantee that there will be no duplicated results between different pages, especially if a channel is active in multiple regions.