Class PushDeviceRegistrationsCallbacks

Enables the management of push notification registrations with Ably.


  • PushDeviceRegistrationsCallbacks





  • Removes a device registered to receive push notifications from Ably using its deviceId.


    • deviceId: string

      The unique ID of the device.

    • Optional callback: errorCallback

      A function which will be called upon completion of the operation. If the operation succeeded, then the function will be called with null. If it failed, the function will be called with information about the error.

    Returns void

  • Removes a device registered to receive push notifications from Ably using the id property of a DeviceDetails object.


    • deviceDetails: DeviceDetails

      The DeviceDetails object containing the id property of the device.

    • Optional callback: errorCallback

      A function which will be called upon completion of the operation. If the operation succeeded, then the function will be called with null. If it failed, the function will be called with information about the error.

    Returns void

  • Removes all devices registered to receive push notifications from Ably matching the filter params provided.


    • params: DeviceRegistrationParams

      An object containing key-value pairs to filter devices by. This object’s limit property will be ignored.

    • Optional callback: errorCallback

      A function which will be called upon completion of the operation. If the operation succeeded, then the function will be called with null. If it failed, the function will be called with information about the error.

    Returns void

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