Interface ChannelMetrics

Contains the metrics associated with a ChannelBase or RealtimeChannelBase, such as the number of publishers, subscribers and connections it has.


  • ChannelMetrics


connections: number

The number of realtime connections attached to the channel.

presenceConnections: number

The number of realtime connections attached to the channel with permission to enter the presence set, regardless of whether or not they have entered it. This requires the presence capability and for a client to not have specified a ChannelMode flag that excludes PRESENCE.

presenceMembers: number

The number of members in the presence set of the channel.

presenceSubscribers: number

The number of realtime attachments receiving presence messages on the channel. This requires the subscribe capability and for a client to not have specified a ChannelMode flag that excludes PRESENCE_SUBSCRIBE.

publishers: number

The number of realtime attachments permitted to publish messages to the channel. This requires the publish capability and for a client to not have specified a ChannelMode flag that excludes PUBLISH.

subscribers: number

The number of realtime attachments receiving messages on the channel. This requires the subscribe capability and for a client to not have specified a ChannelMode flag that excludes SUBSCRIBE.

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