Interface Stats

Contains application statistics for a specified time interval and time period.


  • Stats


appId: string

The ID of the Ably application the statistics are for.

entries: Partial<Record<string, number>>

The statistics for this time interval and time period. See the JSON schema which the schema property points to for more information.

inProgress?: string

For entries that are still in progress, such as the current month: the last sub-interval included in this entry (in format yyyy-mm-dd:hh:mm:ss), else undefined.

intervalId: string

The UTC time at which the time period covered begins. If unit is set to minute this will be in the format YYYY-mm-dd:HH:MM, if hour it will be YYYY-mm-dd:HH, if day it will be YYYY-mm-dd:00 and if month it will be YYYY-mm-01:00.

schema: string

The URL of a JSON Schema which describes the structure of this Stats object.

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