Interface PushDeviceRegistrations

Enables the management of push notification registrations with Ably.


  • PushDeviceRegistrations


  • Removes a device registered to receive push notifications from Ably using its deviceId.


    • deviceId: string

      The unique ID of the device.

    Returns Promise<void>

    A promise which resolves upon success of the operation and rejects with an ErrorInfo object upon its failure.

  • Removes a device registered to receive push notifications from Ably using the id property of a DeviceDetails object.


    Returns Promise<void>

    A promise which resolves upon success of the operation and rejects with an ErrorInfo object upon its failure.

  • Removes all devices registered to receive push notifications from Ably matching the filter params provided.


    • params: DeviceRegistrationParams

      An object containing key-value pairs to filter devices by. This object’s limit property will be ignored.

    Returns Promise<void>

    A promise which resolves upon success of the operation and rejects with an ErrorInfo object upon its failure.

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